How to grow flowering plants from seeds important tips


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How to Grow Flowering Plants from Seeds Important Practical Tips to Collect Seeds and Grow

plants from Seeds

Garden Care Simplified Mrs RizwanaA.Mundewadi

Seeds must be best quality to give out healthy blooms

Collect your own plants or buy seeds from nurseries for starting new


Packet of Flowering Plant seeds

Buy according to the label from reputed plant nurseries

Only good quality seeds sprout and within ten days you see new life

Ready Packet of flower plant seeds

important point in collection of seeds from your plants is to take

Seeds that have dried on the plant under direct sunlight.

it is the process of maturation and drying under the direct sunlight on

the plantthat makes the seeds good quality for

next growth.

Best time after winters before spring

early January, here in Mumbai, India or February and March, climate is

great for planting new seeds

Expose the opened seeds to sunlight

Begin planting in early hours of morning

Very important to keep the seeds in sunlight, this starts the sprouting

after planting very fast.

Keep the new planted seed pots under direct sunlight

do not water immediately

label the pots carefully after planting

The new sprouts all look the same! Labeling name tags helps to identify

the plants

Sunflower seeds begin to sprout in approximately after a week

now the process of protection from your side begins

protect the new saplings from birds and over watering

Cover with mesh or net cloth to keep the new plant sapling

protectedfrom being feasted upon, sparrows and pigeons, my bird friends! rats

also love new leaves!

Zinnias seeds begin to sprout

New sprouts from Marigold seeds

Zinnia flowering plants

Water carefully and regularly

Skipping watering will kill the new plants

Do share your experiences!

Hope this Helps!

All the Best from Rizwana!

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