Harpers Record on Climate - Canada


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Climate Change Presentation

Harpers Climate Record Internationally

"The Climate Change Performance Index," published annually by Germanwatch and Climate Action Network Europe, lists Canada among the world's worst at no. 58. – Huff Post

Harper and Kyoto

Harper and Clean Energy Investments

Harper Unrelenting Support for Oil Sands aka Dirty Oil


Tar sand oil (bitumen) is about 3 to 4 times more damaging to climate than conventional oil.

Science vs. Harper Ideology

Scientists working for the Canadian government are starting to raise their voices, accusing the federal government of “muzzling” them and their findings on various issues, particularly when it comes to climate change.

Canada is a Target of an International Environmental Campaign

Note: Harper stops vote to end Fossil Fuels by 2050

Fighting Global Efforts• Sabotaging efforts to deal with climate change. Protecting the

interests of large oil companies, Harper has fought global efforts to deal with climate change. In 2009, he cut science research funding by $138 Million, and imposed limitations on scientists at Environment Canada, requiring that they obtain permission to do interviews, and often screened their responses.

• The result is that Canadian media coverage of climate change science has been reduced by 80%. His efforts here have been so destructive, that in 2009 prominent politicians and scientists called for Canada to be removed from the Commonwealth. The last time this mark of shame was used, it was against South Africa while it was still under racist apartheid rule. - See more at: http://www.whynotharper.ca/#printablelist Article

The Latest from the Oil Enthusiasts


• In late 2010, public servants from various departments confirmed that Stephen Harper has indeed renamed 'The Government of Canada' to 'The Harper Government'.

Read more at: http://www.whynotharper.ca/#printablelist

