Apex Tidal Power (Expanded) 2


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Apex Tidal Power

A concentrated flow of water is naturally drawn through the narrow side of our Venturi housing, with extra water flowing to the sides. A low pressure zone is thus created behind the Venturi that accelerates the water flow across the turbine.


Risk Mitigation Strategies Specific Risks & Mitigation Technology Economics Future Growth Plans Liquidity/Exit Strategy Capitalization Summary Contact


Apex Tidal Power Forward Looking

Statements Company Overview Management Opportunity Competitive

Landscape Company Strategy Competitive Advantage

Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation offers forecasts and projections based on assumptions that are outlined in the material and derived from reputable sources.

While risks are highlighted and mitigation strategies are offered, investors should be advised that risks may prove greater than expected and unforeseen risks may arise. Mitigation strategies may also prove less effective than anticipated.

Despite prudence and caution, costs and hazards might escalate to the point of making the project economically unviable, which could jeopardize profits, nullify returns, or even result in the loss of funds invested.

Company Overview

We are a green energy company with patented technology for harnessing the power of tidal currents at a cost that can rival carbon power sources.

We seek to deploy commercial-scale, profit-generating turbines in Scotland in 2016.

Management Team

Aaron Davidson & Craig Hill Patented Inventors– For over 15 years Davidson (the engineering mind) and Hill (the building

mind) have devoted their efforts to designing, building, testing, and refining versions of their Venturi turbine for capturing the power of water and wind currents in order to bring abundant, clean, green energy to the world.

– The duo established a world record with the performance of their turbine design.

– The inventors have won numerous awards and grants for their work. Tim Vos Seasoned Marketer

– After careers in music, computers, teaching, and publishing, Vos has focused his creative energies in recent years on bringing innovative alternative energy solutions to market.

– Believing in the genius of collaboration to solve complex problems, Vos has cultivated alliances with gifted inventors to deliver viable solutions that promise value to investors and benefit to people around the world.

Offshore Energy Deep Sea Experts– Across the globe, Offshore Energy has managed projects worth billions of

dollars, where their wealth of experience working in deep-sea environments has delivered bankable results for their clients.


We capture over 3 times the power from the same tidal current as a free-standing turbine

Scotland offers fast tidal currents with 100 times the power density of most tidal currents around the world

The UK is paying a 5-fold premium for tidal energy over carbon energy, backed by 10-year Power Purchase Agreements

Competitive Landscape

Virtually all of our competitors deploy turbines in free flowing water with no focusing mechanism. As a result, over 3/4 of the kinetic energy in the water flows around these turbines uncaptured.

The UK has developed the world’s most advanced tidal sector, where Atlantis Resources, DP Marine Energy, and OpenHydro are the dominant players.

Investment in the sector has lagged, because costs for our competitors have remained stubbornly high, leaving risk largely unrewarded by returns.

Company Strategy

Develop tidal energy projects that deliver premium power at a premium price

Streamline deployment and maintenance

Establish market dominance with patented technology that captures more power for less

Competitive Advantage

Whereas other tidal technologies are struggling to show economic viability, we can deliver hearty returns today.

We can capture energy in a wider spectrum of tidal current speeds, hence our addressable market is substantially greater.

Patented flow-focusing design Inexpensive, modular components Low-cost, low-risk deployment strategies

Risk Mitigation Strategies

De-risk through innovation. Build a commercial array for the cost of a prototype full-scale demo

Already tested at 1.2m and 2.4m sizes to confirm scalability of design for power generation

Government grants are available to grow employment and capacity

Lloyd’s of London will provide marine risk underwriting

Specific Risks & Mitigation Permit Delays – may take longer than expected.

– Leverage contacts to expedite approvals. Tidal Force Magnitude – may be stronger than expected.

– Plan for greater forces than measured. Engineering Finite Element Analysis – materials may fail.

– Engineering firm bears indemnity. Contractual Default – permits and PPAs may not be honored.

– Obtain bonding and insurance. Currency Exchange Fluctuations – low Canadian dollar may rebound.

– Hedge or adjust expectations. Harsh Environment – debris, corrosion, or pitting may damage turbine.

– Low cost of modular replacement parts mitigates risk. Fish Kill or Entanglement – may present hazard to aquatic life.

– Slow revolution of turbine (under 12 RPM at peak) reduces hazard. Lower Cost Competition – other technologies may arise.

– PPA with creditworthy off-taker assures income for duration of contract.


Hydrodynamic design channels and focuses waterflow, boosting power capture more than 3-fold over competition

Self-yawing feature keeps turbine at optimal incidence to current

Water flow around the turbine creates a low pressure zone at rear that concentrates flow across the turbine


On a 3MW deployment in a 3 m/s peak tidal stream, we can generate 6M kWh per year, yielding $3M in gross revenues. After annual operation and maintenance costs of $600K, we anticipate net annual revenues of $2.4M, or $800 per kW of generating capacity.

Our projections are based on a 10-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) at $0.50 per kWh available from Smartest Energy, the UK’s largest provider of alternative energy PPAs.

Power Purchase Agreements assure a 5-fold premium on 30 MW of tidal energy for 10 years.

Future Growth Plans

We deploy 3 MW in Year 1 30 MW by Year 3 300 MW by Year 5

Liquidity / Exit Strategy

Pay investors hearty returns from Cumulative Cash Flow.

Long-term contractual income stream from PPA could be sold at nominal discount, given creditworthiness of government-backed utility as power off-taker

Capitalization of Company

$12M to deploy first 3 MW array $5M equity, $4M debt, $3M grants Patent Holding Company provides

license for technology Equity investors will receive 50

percent of gross profits


Patented, flow-focusing design delivers triple the efficiency and triple the profits of tidal industry, setting our technology on a path to market dominance

5-fold rates assured by 10-year PPA 50 percent profit share with investors Premium power at premium prices

yields premium profits


Tim Vos

(403) 875-2121 timvosonline@yahoo.comCalgary, Alberta, Canada
