10 Ways to Stay Green


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10 Ways to Stay Green

MaidPro Kansas City

Meatless Monday

One meatless day a week has the same impact as driving a hybrid car! Raising livestock produces large amounts of green house gas.

Microwave Glass, Never Plastic

If you use plastic make sure it is microwave safe. However, microwaving many plastics can cause leaching into foods. It’s safest to use glass.

Take Shorter Showers

You can take shorter showers or install a low flow showerhead.

Buy Local Produce

Buy locally raised, humane and organic products. Purchasing from local farmers keeps money in the local economy.

Don’t Drink Plastic Bottled Water

There are great re-usable water bottle products with water filters.And there are filters you hook up right to your water faucet.Regular plastic water bottles create large amounts of container waste.

Recycle Properly

Recycling materials saves energy. Materials like aluminum or glass can be re-used without being down cycled into products of lesser material.

Bring Your Own Bags

Re-usable grocery bags are more eco-friendly than disposable plastic bags. To keep your bags germ free make sure they are machine washable.

Turn Off Electronics

Before bed or when you leave the house make sure all electronics are off. Try using a UL certified power strip.

Leave Shoes By The Door

This prevents germs, chemicals, exhaust and pesticides from being tracked all over your home.

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