When frenchman went to Tallinn



Sideshow to memorize ITIN students trip to Tallinn 27.04-08.05.2009

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When a Frenchman went to Tallinn

...and what he saw there

Great hospitality!!

Had some weird beer…

And some true BEER!!!

Smiles on wall…

Animals in the city…

True story!


And University caps…

Had continental lunch…

And Estonian cuisine!! :P

Some pretty women?

Lots of pretty woman!!!

Old town with a history…

Architectural diversity…

Some trees..

Tallinn romance…

Blooming flowers…

Trendy people…

Fruitful discussions…

Some hard mornings…

Big meetings…


Puppet show…

In vino veritas?;)

Just a Souvenir to take!!

Hopefully a memorable days in Tallinn…

…. and looking forward to invitation to PARIS
