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I bought a small cottage in the mountains. The

view is gorgeous! I would be very happy if you,

could visit me!

I will guide you to get there:

Just follow the road ahead of you!

You could take the # 4 bus, or you can drive your own car.

I promise your voyage won’t be boring!.

The bus is cheaper and it is departing in every ½ hours.

If possible do not travel by night!

The shoulder of the road isn’t too safe, but next year will be repaired .

I do suggest you take your family car instead .

In spite of the nice view, you should keep your eyes on the road!

Slow down before a curve!

Now you will pas trough some small viaducts ...

As you can see there is plenty of fresh air, no need for special ventilation...

Here is a nice ”look out”.

The road will end soon.You can park your car on the left side of the parking lot.

From here you take the cable car and enjoy the beautiful view.

Now your travel continues trough this prefabricated pathway.

It is vital that you stay on the pathway!!!

I don’t recommend to walk side by side. Go in the row, and watch your steps!

Watch the oncoming traffic.!

You are almost there, just one more left turn…

It is advisable NOT to look down!!!!

The remaining section is easy to conquer, just a few more steps..…

… and you are there!

Now you can enjoy a view, and after a few drinks the way down won’t look so

dangerous at all. See you next time!

Translated by T.
