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Utopia has many different versions it can be a place and it can be dreams



My dream is to go back to Melbourne where its warm, there is a variety of things to do and a huge art community. Its exciting living within communities of different cultures and having more opportunities for jobs.

I would like my cats to be healthy and happy with no stress in their lives. I would like them to have a huge space for them to play in and to come with me to Melbourne.

Someday I would like to own my own art studio, where I have space and time and can be motivated. Plus it would be awesome to have that huge space for my cats to play in.



My dream is to own an original neon piece by Tracey Emin , I find her work beautiful truthful and honest, as well as inspirational.

I would like to have just enough money to be able to survive. To not have to stress about how i’ll be able to afford food, it would be great to be able to afford to pay for the washing machine when it breaks down.



My dream is to be a really good painter and I want to learn the skills to be able to focus and develop my ideas into something that I can paint and present as a stunning piece of work.


I want to be able to think properly again and be able to transfer my ideas on to paper like I use to. I want to be able to interpret and understand things better and to control my ideas.


I would love my life to be drama free, to not have so many stupid problems pop up everyday, I take medication to even my life out, not only did it even things out and take away the pain, but it also took away my happiness, I thought things would be different.I hope someday I can function without medication.

These small things I wish and dream about are what I would consider my own personal Utopia, if they came true that would be incredible. I’ve always thought sure enough these wishes could come true but working hard enough just doesn't cut it. I always put a lot of hard work into my everyday life but that isn't good enough so the best I can do is to keep plodding along and hopefully I will some day achieve my own personal utopia.