Unit 121 imaging software


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Level 1 BTEC Diploma for IT Users (ITQ) Tutor Jo Lowes Unit 121 – Imaging SoftwareName – Paul McDermott

+Different uses of photo imaging and photography

+Different uses of photo imaging and photography

1.1 & 1.5 Aim Of Project

We have to take image of salford city college

we needed 5 image of salford city college

I will modified all the images and I will use the best image on a magazine front cover.

Summary of SCC

Salford city college has 5 collages all to giver.

The colleges do all different class e.g. ICT , sport and music

1.2 Contact Sheet- Images of Salford city collage

1.2 Images of Salford city collage

2.3 Final Images Before & After

I used the eraser tool and I changed the size of the tool to 569. I moved the mouse whilst clicking the button.

I added a replace colour setting to my picture which added blue to the top of the picture.

2.3 Final Images Before & After

I changed the colour of the writing and the picture from black to red. I used the brush tool to change the colour.

1.4, 2.1 & 2.2 Edit Your Images

I added a gradient map to my image to added the heat effect on the image.

I used the clone stamp tool to clone the image so it looks like the image has been stretched.

1.4, 2.1 & 2.2 Edit Your Images

I added brightness and contrast to the image to make the image so it has a heat effect on the image. The brightness was put to 150 and the contrast was put at 100.

1.4, 2.1 & 2.2 Edit Your ImagesI added black and white filter to the image.

I added black and white filter to the image and then added a tint on the image as well.

I added a glass filter on the image to make it look like has a glass effect on the image.


1.4, 2.1 & 2.2 Edit Your Images

I added a posturize to the image so it looks like it has been shade

2.3 Final Images Before & AfterThis is the original


this is the edited image.

1.6 File Formats

Jpeg – a format for compressing image files

1.6 File Formats

PNG is a file format for image compression that, in time, is expected to replace the Graphics Interchange Format GIF that is widely used on today's Internet.

1.6 File Formats

PDF a file format for capturing and sending electronic documents in exactly the intended format.

1.6 File Formats

PSD- is a statement of what a not-yet-designed product is intended to do. Its aim is to ensure that the subsequent design and development of a product meets the needs of the user.

1.7 Organising Your Files

This it how I organise my files

1.3 Copyright of Images

Copyright is when someone copy's you work and steals your ideas to make money of their own just like the keep calm organisation.

Copyright is yours because when you take a image you own the copyright of that image.

2.3 How your work meet’s clients needs

Is this image in the correct file format? Yes they are because they are in a jpeg.

Is it high enough quality? Yes the quality it good because they are not blurry and they are clear.

Do the images promote Salford city college? Yes they do because they show how good Eccles college is and it show thing we offer.
