The Simself Apocalypse: Stabby Death Nose


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The Simself Apocalypse

Stabby Death Nose

'I can't believe this...I was supposed to bring proper food back to the wastelands...Sporks of Steel, how could I have known that they break in dishwashers? Why would that even matter? We can't even run dishwashers anymore...FIRED!! I can't believe it...'

Unfortunately, Griff did get fired after choosing to endorse Sporks of Steel only to discover that they weren't as unbreakable as advertised. I don't see how that matters in a world without dishwashers, but apparently the population just won't accept it. Oh well. Culinary will have to wait.

Thankfully, there was occasion to be happy that night. It was Feyd-Rautha's birthday. He grew into one of the cutest toddlers I have ever seen. He definitely has his daddy's stabby death nose, but it works on him pretty well. He is an Aries, 7/8/4/4/6.

Like I said, Feyd is frakking adorable. Even if his forehead glitches through his head...something which would only get worse with age. He's still one of the cutest toddlers I've ever seen, though. I just love him to bits.

And it wasn't long before Griff and Cap found out that they would have another addition to their family. Cap and I were worried at first because she skipped her second trimester completely. Her belly didn't pop until the third trimester began. We were both scared that this meant something was wrong with the baby.

But all the worry was for naught.

“Hello there, little guy. I'm so glad you're here. Let's see...your daddy's hair and my eyes. I'm going to call you Paul*.”

After little Paul came into the world, Cap was set much more at ease. She once again had two beautiful children to whom she could devote her life. She hoped that, with the restored educational system, they would be able to do great things with their lives.

Unfortunately, not everyone in the house was as happy. Griff loved their children as much as Cap, but he was feeling overwhelmed by the stresses of post-apocalyptic life. Keeping his needs out of the red became a horrible challenge, requiring tons of micromanaging at the expense of Cap and Feyd. Thankfully, babies are pretty easy to keep happy.

I hoped that starting a new job as an Adventurer would help to ease his mind. It seemed to work out. At least he got to eat his fill at work.

“Griff, sweetie, I'm sorry that you're not taking to the Apocalypse that well.”

“I'm getting better, Cap. It's just a lot to adjust to. And you know that I would rather be in the Apocalypse with you than Paradise with anyone else...”

These two autonomously flirt and kiss so often that it's nuts. They have two bolts as long as I keep Cap dressed, but they act like they have three bolts all the time. It's cute.

Griff is moving up the Adventurer track very quickly. The only thing slowing him down even the slightest is all the body skills he has to have.“Slowing me down?? It's killing me! Especially since you put the workout stuff outside. Not only do I get stinky and tired, but I nearly freeze every night.”I know, Griff. I'm sorry. But remember, once you top Adventurer, your kids and future grandkids and all your progeny will be able to build their skills with your wife's Bookself of Education. You'll be saving all the future generations from going through what you're dealing with right now!“Doing what's best for the future of my family. You're right...and you really know how to prey on a Sim's weaknesses."Sorry, it comes with the territory.“I long as you're doing what is actually best for us, you and I are good.”Deal.

Hey, little guy. It's your birthday today!

“No want birfday! I bear! Stay bear!”

Sorry, sweetheart, but you gotta grow up.

“But I no wanna! WAAAHHH!!!!”

Despite his protests, Feyd-Rautha grew up to be a ridiculously cute kid. Have you figured out that I absolutely adore Feyd yet? Cause I really do. He is one of my favorite Sims in a long time. I just love him.

That night was Paul's birthday, too. He got Cap's nose instead of Griff's. I'm interested to see how it looks on a guy. The genetics are always harsher on boys. Anyway, Paul here is an Aries like his brother. Their personalities are very similar, but not exact. Paul is 6/9/6/4/6. This is the nicest family I've had in ages. My Sims usually come out mean as hornets.

One good thing to be said about the Apocalypse is that it definitely encourages a lot of family bonding. These two adored each other right away.

“Don't worry, Paulie, I'm here to take care of you. I'm your big brother. Big brothers never let anything bad happen to their little brothers.”


*dies from the cute*

Speaking of cute, gah! Even in the awful default outfits and the stupid glitchy forehead, Feyd is so frakking adorable. I wish I could just hug him.

“Are you sure you're okay with this, Andrea?”

“It's a bit odd, but I'm fine. Besides, I've been working on some new exercise regiments to help people recover from muscular degeneration. But people only really trust your family to help them anymore, so I can't really get the attention I need to help anyone.”

“Okay. But, just remember, if you guys don't like each other or you decide that it's just too much, we won't force you.”


“Feyd! Can you come out here, honey?”

“Hi! I'm Feyd-Rautha, but everyone calls me Feyd. You can call me Feyd, too.”

“Hello, Feyd. My name is Andrea. It's very nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, yeah. Are you the lady that I have to marry when I grow up?”

“Well, you don't have to marry me. If you like me and I like you, then we can get married when you're an adult.”

“Awesome! You're pretty and I want to marry a pretty lady, so if I marry you then I'll be married to a pretty lady just like I want!”

Andrea and Feyd talked for hours that first day, and many more days after that. Hardly a day went by that Andrea didn't call to check on him.

Hey, Paul. It's your birthday today. Or do you want to stay a bear, too?

“No! No stay bear! Me wanna be big like budder!”

Well it's nice to see some enthusiasm. Let's get this show on the road.

“Show on road! Show on road!”

“Check out my hands, Feyd!”

“I've got hands, too, Paul.”

“Yay! We both have hands!”

In Paul's quest to emulate his brother as much as possible, he even got the green version of Feyd's teddy bear pajamas.

I think these might be my favorite siblings ever.

“What's school like, Feyd?”

“It's not too bad. It's boring and homework sucks, but there are other kids there that you can talk to and you get to have lunch.”

“What's lunch?”

“It's food! So if we go to school and eat, and then come home and Mommy makes food, then we get to eat twice!”

“Twice?! That's amazing! I can't wait for lunch!”

“It's no fair! I just became a kid and now you're going to be a teen and I'll have to wait ages to catch up with you!”

“You'll only have to wait a few days, Paulie. That's not forever.”

“Yes it is! You'll be a teen and I'll just be a kid and you won't want to play with me anymore!”

“Of course I'll still play with you. Don't be such a dumb head.”

*sniffles* “Promise?”

“Promise. Who else would I play with? Mom and Dad? Ew!”

*crosses fingers* Please grow up in something good please grow up in something good please grow up in something good

Well I guess that's alright. It definitely could have been a lot worse. Besides, Feyd looks good in the leather jacket.

Unfortunately, his hair glitch only got worse. He's still ridiculously cute, though. He pulls off the glitch and the stabby death nose pretty well, if I do say so myself.

I rolled for his aspirations because choosing them just gets boring. He's a Knowledge/Popularity Sim who wants to be Captain Hero. If he has time left after lifting his restriction, he may be able to get that want.

I tailored his turn ons to fit his intended, so he likes black hair and hard workers, and he dislikes hats.

I'm really glad that Cap lifted Education. I love Feyd to bits but I would get so annoyed/bored with him if he had to sit around the house all day barely able to skill.

Speaking of skilling, he hit that bookshelf hard after discovering his love of knowledge. I hope to use him for Culinary since Griff wasn't able to do it, and I want those skills maxed as soon as possible. Luckily, nothing keeps a Knowledge Sim happier than skill marathons.

He also gets to take over preparing the daily meals now. Cap's almost an elder and I sort of ignored Griff's cooking skills since he got fired, so he's no great shakes at the grill. It might be a lot of responsibility to put on a teen's shoulders, but if anyone can handle it, it's Feyd.

“Didn't I tell you that I'd still play with you, Paulie?”

“Yeah! This is awesome! I bet I can hit you in the face with this one!”

“I bet you can't--*oomph*”

“Haha! Told you I could do it!”

“I have wrinkles now. I wonder if I could hide things in my wrinkles...”

You can't tell by her hair since it apparently doesn't go gray on elder birthdays, but Cap got old and senile during dinner. I almost wish I had done Medical first so that I could have control of my elders, especially since Cap is permaplat and guaranteed to live a very long time, but c'est la vie.

Cap wasn't the only one having a birthday right then. Downstairs, Paul was ready to finally join his brother in teenhod.

Please grow up in something good please grow up in something good please grow up in something good

And he grows up in the teenage version of Feyd's childhood clothes. Paul really is devoted to his big brother.

Paul rolled Fortune/Family for his aspirations. His LTW is to top Intelligence. I have something else in mind for him, but that'll be a decent fallback if his intended career of Military doesn't show up. His turn ons are just the ones that he had by default: grey hair and good cooks. His turn off is brown hair. I may change them later if I feel like it, but probably not. Especially if he doesn't lift Military. No way am I having that many people in the house at once.

“Congratulations on becoming a Space Pirate, Dad.”

“Thanks, son. I'm just glad that you and your brother will be able to skill much easier now with your mother's bookshelf and my Jumbok IV statue.”

Griff topped Adventurer!!! Yes yes yes! I love you, Griff!


There is a particular energy around certain objects that gives them special properties. Objects with this energy are frequently given out as career rewards to Sims in various businesses. Ever since the Apocalypse, these objects have

suddenly lost this energy and have become useless. While many are baffled by this, there are a few theories. It is said that the stone of Unga-Nunga is the key to the energy that makes Career objects work so well. This stone was being held

at the Sim City museum, where it powered the city's reward objects as well as slowed the EQ decay of the city's population. In the chaos of the meltdowns, somebody stole the stone.

Griff Simself located the theif,Dr. Vu. He led a daring raid on Vu's lab, defeating pirates, ninjas, ninja-pirates, pirate-ninjas and chartered accountants. He made off with all of Vu's ill-gotten gains, plus the top-secret thinking cap.

Career reward objects may now be used by SimsOnce able to go on Vacation, Sims can go on tropical vacations

Jumbok IV may be placed

Well that's it for this chapter. Thanks for reading and come back next time!

*Paul Atreides was the son of the Lady Jessica and Duke Leto Atreides. After the Harkonnen invasion on Arrakis, Paul and his mother escaped into the deep desert where they were rescued by Fremen. Paul and Jessica chose to take advantage of the Missionaria Protectiva and convinced the Fremen that Paul was their messiah. They later used this belief to lead the Fremen to war against the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. Paul ascended to become the God Emporer of the Imperium before disappearing after his concubine, Chani, died in childbirth.