The Number 23 - Product Research




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The Number 23

Product Research

Opening Credits

instantly, the audience are shown a plain beige background, which appears to be a file, the font used seems to be similar to a computer font or typewriter, which indicates the use of computers, internet and documents.

The title of the film is ‘The Number 23’ appears on the title credits, creating an atmosphere of suspense for the audience. The audience may question what significance this number has.

The title of the film is in red whereas, the numbers surrounding it is in black. Both colours connote a sense of danger, mystery, violence and death.

The crease in the paper indicate literary narrative in the film.

We then see a close up shot of the title. the numbers and letters surrounding may confuse the viewer and rouse suspicion.

Clearly the title indicates death due to the colour used. The smearing of the blood reflects brutality, this is an successful device as it creates an atmosphere of tension and death.

There is no live action; the sequence is made up of a cycle of dates, equations and facts relating to the number ’23’

Blood is used as a recurring motif, that symbolises and signifies danger which foreshadows future events.

The smeared blood merges into the title of the film.

An effective technique was the film title merging into the establishing shot.
