The Calypso Family Apocalypse Ch 20



The Calypso Family Apocalypse Chapter 20

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The Calypso Family Apocalypse

Chapter 20

Welcome to chapter 20. Not a lot happens, at least no new lifts. I’m still trying to get caught up to where I am in the game. I haven’t played in a while.

Anthony get an A+

As does Andrew.

“Now, Tobi, remember to write neatly so your teacher can read your writing.”

“Ok, Mom.”

“Do you think my teacher will give me an A+ tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, Tobi. You have to work hard and earn it.”

I let Peter and Beth have two sips each of elixir so they don’t get old before their last child leaves for college.

I was afraid that they might die too soon.

It’s moments like these that I really want to paint their portraits.

But I can’t.

I think this is allowed, Science is lifted.

“It’s so nice. I have to have the kids come up here and get their picture taken too.”

Well, it’s the only way I could think of to remember them by.

“I don’t understand. Why won’t my teacher give me an A+?”

“Well, hello, kitty. Would you like to live with us.”

I don’t remember the cats name, but they didn’t get to adopt it anyways. It ran off and I haven’t seen it since.

Time for Katie’s Birthday.

“Here we go, Katie. Mommy’s going to blow the candles out for you.”

I think she’s learned her lesson. Don’t turn away while tossing the baby.

Kaitlyn Calypso


All the kids are very similar.

I’m not sure but I think they might have the first born effect.

Katie need a makeover.

Much better.

“Go to sleep for Mommy, now Katie.”


“Mommy will teach you all you need to know in the morning.”


“That’s the potty, Katie. You pee in it.”


Katie’s first word is Teddy.

“Want chew hand, can’t get fingers.”

“No watch.”

She’s adorable. As usual.

“Up you go. Now put one foot in front of the other and walk with Daddy.”

“Walkie, Daddy?”

“That’s it, Katie! You’re doing it!”

“Walkie, Daddy, Walkie!”

She’s looks a lot like her Daddy but I think she resembled her Mother more.

“Hurry up, Anthony.”

“Hold your horses, I gotta make my wish first.”

“Here I go!”

“Woo Hoo, Go Anthony.”

“Wow, I got tall, Your turn short stuff.”

“Hey don’t call me short.”

“But you are.”

“Not for long.”

“I wish to be rich and live in a large house.”

“Here I go!”

Andrew chose to be a Fortune Sim.

Anthony chose to be Popularity.

And as usual they both grew up well.

“I got good marks. Mom’s gonna be so proud.”

“Yes! Finally. A+”

Time for a skill fest. College is less that a week away.

Tobias’ birthday falls on Monday so I’m trying to get him ready as well.

Katie will have to wait an additional week before she can leave for college.

Meanwhile. And slightly earlier in my time line.

“I thought Dad said there was a house here?”

“What’s this?”

In amongst the bills, Matthew found a note.

To whom it may concern:

The shack on this property did not meet building code, and had to be removed. We are sorry for the inconvience.

I can’t remember my reasoning for making him start on a new lot.

Maybe it was because of the crappy furniture or he just couldn’t afford it.

He barely had enough to build one floor and I had to keep humbles computer.

I think he can make it till his brothers come.

“Come on, let’s Dance people.”

I had him work as the DJ, he needs some money, and his brothers won’t join him till after his first year.

“Dad, it’s so good to see you.”

“Your Mother is worried about you, and I would help you out but the creator can’t help me to give you a gift. But when your brothers join you I will have them bring some

furniture so you will not have to buy it.”

“Do you think the creator would let you send one of the genie lamps?”

“I’ll ask. I have to go now, son. You’re little sister is growing up soon.”

“Good, your home, Alright Katie, time to blow out the candles.”

“Is pretty.”

“No no Katie. Help Mommy blow.”

“Time to grow up, Katie.”

“Num num, Hand.”

“Tingly, scary.”

“It’s Ok, Katie, now jump up and get big.”

“Wow, I’m as big as Tobi now.”

“Yay, sis, now we can play and you can come to school with me.”

“How does he do that?”

“Mommy said to wish for peace of mind. But can I ask you a question too.”

“I live to serve.”

“How do you fit in that little lamp?”

“It’s magic, little miss.”

“Cool, maybe someday I can learn some magic.”

“Oh, gross.”

“Aww, yuck.”

“Don’t worry Anthony, we’re not making any brother or sisters for you.”

“This school stuff is hard, I wish I could just stay home.”

Not gonna happen.

“Mommy, this is hard, can I just stay home and play from now on.”

“No, Katie, you have to go to school.”

“It gets easier.”


“Yes, and a good education is the key to getting the world fixed. So work real hard”

“Ok, Mommy. I’ll try.”

“I want to have lots of fun and play games all day.”

Where’d he go?

Tobias chose to be a pleasure sim.

He will be lifting Gamer.

One last night of studying, Then all three boy will join Matthew in College.

“Bye, boys. I love you.”

“The house is so empty. What will we do with ourselves.”

That’s it for now.

The plan so far.

Matthew – Natural Science Anthony – Law

Andrew – Business Tobias – Gamer Kaitlyn - Art
