The Absedy Alphabet ISBI Challenge-Chapter 2


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The Absedy Alphabet ISBI


Chapter 2: Smelly Bottle

Welcome back to the Absedy Alphabet ISBI Challenge! I’m insane and married in Komei Tellerman, the king of squiffy faces. All challengers for the title are welcome.

Last time I didn’t do much other than showcase my horrible playing skills in nearly killing off my founder before the challenge could really even begin. Other than that, they finally have a box to live in.

So, enough talk, let’s dig in!

Huh, so where are my sims? Have I misplaced them already?

Oh, uh, I’ll go back into the other room and pretend I’m not here. Yeah…

Laura: “Controller, why are you standing around awkwardly like that?”

What? Nothing. Nope. Nada. I’m not here. You aren’t here. We aren’t here. Nope.

Laura: “What are you even talking about.”

I don’t know.

Aw, come on Laura, why do you have to make me look like a bad simmer all the time?

Laura: “Mmmerph.”

Laura: “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be giving cliché dialogue about my pregnancy.”

Sorry, all that’s going through my head right now is ‘Komei spawn’. You can’t see me, but I’m shuddering.

My sims are really trying to make me look bad…But he’s technically insane, so I guess this isn’t as bad as when I mess up with Laura. Well, barely.

You know, Komei, there is this thing called a bed. You might want to try using it sometime.


Oh right. He can’t here me. This is really going to take some getting used to.

She just popped again, and I guess they decided that was make out worthy. *shrug*

Nothing interesting happened, and so now it is time for my first little baby ‘A’ and the first Komei spawn before their face explodes.

This little newbie is Aelwin. I don’t know how to aww over a baby uniquely so I’ll just say, Yay!

And of course we have to start this challenge off right with a set of twins. Of. Course.

Now Laura is holding Aislin.

This is sure to be exciting. Not.

Komei actually got himself a promotion. Nice going dude!

Komei: “I have the strange feeling that someone is watching me.”

Right. I forgot. Again.

Eesh, what a horrible picture. Anyway, it’s time for Aelwin’s face to explode. And then it’s Aislin’s turn.

Well, could be worse.

And picture quality has taken a nosedive.

I think she’s charming. But enough with birthday slides. Moving on!

Aislin: “Stinky bottle gross.”

Aislin: “Blergh!”

I’m a horrible simmer…

Laura: “Here you go Aislin. This should taste better.”

Aislin: “Yay! Bottle not stinky!”

Way to rub it in you two. I also gave her hair since her scalp looked kind funny with the skins I have.

Alewin: “Alewin has bottle. Hehehe.”

Um, okay.

Laura: “When am I getting back into Law Enforcement?”

Well, if you hadn’t gotten fired, then you wouldn’t have to get back into it.

Laura: “If you hadn’t picked the wrong option on the chance card, then I wouldn’t have been fired.”

How is that my fault?

Laura: “You’re the controller, not me.”

At least the twins are being nice to me. Granted they can’t hear me, but still.

Oh look, Komei’s actually being a decent Dad. Never mind that he doesn’t feed them or, well, really help out at all. But at least he isn’t ignoring them. This is going to be a loooong 26 generations.

And the bottle dance. Yeesh. I’m worried about this family.

This kids are growing fast. Yay, no more twin toddlers! This is Aelwin, by the way.

Family: “Come on, Aislin, grow up. You can do it!”

Aislin: “Paw, nummy.”

Here she is. I’m pleasantly surprised so far. Komei is actually having some pretty cute kids. The nose profile is still bumpy, but over all, not as bad as I was expecting. So far at least.

Aislin: “I need a bed!”

Try looking behind you. Too bad you can’t here me.

Um, you do realize that Aelwin isn’t a toddler anymore, right? She’s a child, just like Aislin.

Laura: “You can’t fool me. Aelwin is a toddler and Aislin is a child.”

… You do realize they are twins, right? And that technically Aelwin is older than Aislin.

Laura: “Now you’re just being confusing.”

I’m being confusing?”

The girls are back from their first day of school!

Wait… how is homework going to work when I can’t control them? Do I really have to have Laura help them with it every single time?


Here comes baby number three! Though, with my luck, my multiples hack will kick in and she’ll have quads. Time to start crossing fingers.

And, because nothing exciting happened, it is now the second pop. And let me tell you, this whole having crazy kids thing is harder than I thought it would be.

I decided to check Komei’s lifetime want since I can do that as part of the rules.

Ha, Komei. You’re funny.

Yay! Time for baby!

Another girl! Just the one, right?

Laura: “Right. She’s the only one this time.”

Thank you!

Laura: “Your welcome Controller.”

Now that Amaryllis is properly placed in her crib, I believe this is a good place to leave off.

Points Summary PointsBeginning Point Total: 5Non-compulsory twins +1

Current Point Total 6

That brings my point total up to date. There really isn’t a lot to win points for in this challenge, not that it really matters. Anyway, Happy Simming!