That quizzy feeling 27




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That Quizzy Feeling-27

-Ankit Sethi

This word refers to a Malaysian phenomenon of sudden uncontrollable frenzy where the victim will attack anyone he encounters.The term came from when the British and Portuguese were trying to take over Malaya. Assuming the Malay people were extremely passive and easily pushed aside, they invaded the territories, somewhat successfully, but the natives rebelled, shocking the British and the Portuguese, leaving them astounded, hence the allegations of "crazy" and "wild" "jungle people“.It has entered the English language in the form of an oft-used expression. What word/expression?

Amok, “to run amok”

The offbeat comedy stars Bill Murray as Steve Zissou, who sets out to exact revenge on the "Jaguar shark" that ate his partner Esteban.The movie is a both a parody and homage to which great?

Jacques Yves-Cousteau

Liechtenstein Uzbekistan

What unique distinction do these two countries possess?

Doubly landlocked countries

A Canadian example took place in 1819 between William Caldwell, a Montreal doctor, and Michael O'Sullivan, a member of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada. This activity is specifically prohibited in Canada under section 71 of the Canadian criminal code and is illegal or frowned upon in other countries. An American version took place in 1804 leaving vice-president Aaron Burr the victor and the U.S. Treasury Secretary dead.What?

Duels, Duelling

It is known as raqs sharqi in Arabic, but its English name is attributed to Sol Bloom, entertainment director at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. It is a popular form of exercise and entertainment today. Then English term is the literal translation of a French term.

Belly Dancing.

In 2006, the Chinese offered a two billion dollar loan to the government of Mozambique to dam the Zambezi River Vally. That loan to Mozambique came with a condition to allow Chinese citizens to start farms in the country.What was the reason behind this ironic condition?

The proposed Chinese emigrants were those people displaced from their homes due to construction of the Three Gorges Damin China.

The struggle to let women participate in this event was chronicled in the ABC news story, “Restricted Airspace”.Identify this event, controversially the only Olympic winter sport to not let women compete.

This green 180-meter tower, completed in 2004, replaced the historic Baltic Exchange building in London after the latter was irreparably damaged by an IRA bombing. Due to the building's somewhat phallic appearance, other inventive names have also been used for the building, including the Erotic _____, the Towering Innuendo, and the Crystal Phallus.

In December 2005, a survey of the world's largest firms of architects published in 2006 BD World Architecture 200 voted the tower as the most admired new building in the world. The building also featured in recent movies such as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (despite the film talking place in 1996, several years before the _____ was built), Sharon Stone's Basic Instinct 2 and Woody Allen's Match Point.

30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin and the Swiss Re Building.

In the United States, this political position lost its last holdout in 1833 with the passage of the eleventh amendment to the Massachusetts constitution. The word itself was coined in 1838 by William Gladstone, who, upon becoming prime minister thirty years later, maintained this doctrine for England, but rejected it for Ireland with a law in 1869. Its strongest advocate in Upper Canada was John Strachan, but it was defeated in 1854 with the secularization of the clergy reserves.

The word is often referenced in English-speaking popular culture on account of its unusual length of 28 letters and 12 syllables.It is commonly believed to be the longest or the second longest word in English, excluding coined and technical terms not found in major dictionaries.



About seventy per cent of its worldwide production is consumed in soft drinks and confectionery products, where it distributes lipid components evenly and prevents sucrose from crystallizing. Because of Americans' sweet teeth, it's the one item specifically exempted from U.S. trade sanctions on Sudan, the world's largest producer of this commodity.

The connection between Sudan and Osama bin Laden brought the otherwise innocuous item to public consciousness in 2001, as an urban legend arose that bin Laden owned a significant fraction of the _____’s production in Sudan and that therefore one should boycott products using it. As a result, some food producers, such as Snapple, renamed the ingredient on their labels.

What is it?

When it gets on your clothes, it's ayak. When it's hard, it's sillik, and when it's very soft, it's milik. When mixed with water, it's massak. When it's like sugar, it's pukak, and when it's like salt, it's pokaktok.

When used as construction material, it is called _____ ?

Iglu or Igloo
