Tech table for blog


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Technology UsedWebsites/Web Applications:YoutubeScribdGoogleUnsigned Acts

Technology Used

Hardware:Mobile PhonePCSoftware:MS WordWebsites/Web Applications:BlogspotYoutubeScribdGoogle

Technology Used

Hardware:Flip CameraPanasonic GS230 CamcorderTripodMobile PhonePCSoftware:FireworksWebsites/Web Applications:BlogspotScribd

Technology Used

Hardware:PCSoftware:iMovieWebsites/Web Applications:BlogspotYoutubeScribd

Technology UsedHardware:PCWebsites/Web Applications:BlogspotScribd


To find out what opening sequences are usually likeUsed to convert my work for my blogUsed to research films


Found that a handheld filming device made the scene more realisticUsed to film my production logs

Used to create scripts

Used to show all my workUsed to analysis Film 4 film Made in BritianUsed to convert my work for my blogUsed to find good locations for filming


Used to film most scenes in my opening sequenceUsed to film footage from student protestsUsed when filming with the flip cameraI shot footage from several different student protests using my own mobile.Used to film my production logs

Used to create my production logo

Used to show all my workUsed to convert my work for my blog


Used to film my production logs

Used to put opening sequence together (Footage,sound,credits)

Used to show all my workUsed to show and get feedback from my opening sequenceUsed to convert my work for my blog


Used to film my production logs

Used to show all my workUsed to convert my work for my blog