Survey Results


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From these results I can see that most people would prefer a weekly magazine. This suggests that the audience like to be up to date with the latest music.

I’d also prefer a weekly magazine, although monthly magazines tend to have a larger content which I prefer.How many music magazines do you

buy a month?


12% 0%






These results show that the majority of the music magazine buying participants buy up to two music magazines a month.

I have created a survey to find out what an audience looks for in a music magazine. These are my results from 17 participants.

Monthly: 41%

Weekly: 59%

Do you prefer monthly or weekly magazines?

How much would you spend on a music magazine?






What music do you enjoy listening to most?










This chart tells me that most people would spend £1-£2 on a music magazine, therefore I will aim to label my magazine at around this price. I think this is a reasonable price, and is the amount I would be willing to spend on a music magazine.

I have found that indie music is the most listened to music, closely followed by rock/metal and dance music. I intend on basing my music magazine on these popular genres of music to appeal to a large audience.

These results didn’t come as a surprise as most of my friends tend to listen to a variety of music based around these genres.

What makes you want to buy a music magazine?


23%3% 16%


New artists

Band gossip

Band reviews

Featureinfavourite artist

30% of the participants find there music via friends/word of mouth, this suggests magazines could be a convocational topic between friends, and that I will need to advertise new bands in my magazine to give friends something to talk about. 24% of the participants also said they find their music through the internet and the radio.

42% of my participants say that new artists make them want to buy a music magazine. To appeal to my audience I will advertise a new and popular artist on my front cover.

Do you prefer mainstream magazines (NME, Q etc) or specialist magazines

(Rock Sound, MixMag etc)?





41% of my participants most commonly buy their music from music stores. I was surprised at this result and thought that downloads would have a much higher percentage. Discount vouchers could be used as a lure for my magazine.

My results also show that more people (35%) download illegally than people who download off I-tunes (24%)

This graph tells me that 71% of participants prefer mainstream music magazines such as NME and Q to specialist magazines. This suggests that most people are looking for a music magazine with a variety of different articles and band genres.

Do you like to hear about new band coverage or already established artists?



New bands

Established bands


These results tell me that in my own magazine I should advertise both new artists and already established artists to appeal to what the audience wants.

Most people who took my survey say they would prefer a cover with only a few or one image and coverline/s and a sophisticated use of colour to a cover with lots of colour, images and coverlines. From this response i now know in what way to present my front cover best, and appeal to the largest audience possible.76
