Sociology Visual Project


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Anth ony P utm a nAnth ony P utm a n

S OC-101S OC-101

S oc iolog ica l Ima g ina tionS oc iolog ica l Ima g ina tion

Vis ua l P roje c tVis ua l P roje c t

What are the values and relationships shared between minorities in our society that make it popular for an African American sports celebrity to use a Spanish nickname?

Why are professional athletes highly compensated and renowned in our society?

Almost a half century ago our nation would not allow Women or African Americans to vote for the President. What changed in our society in such a short time that now two of the top presidential candidates are a woman and an African American?

What are the views on women and minorities in leadership positions? How does our society feel about affirmative action?

How do you feel about half naked woman drinking, smoking, and gambling?

What stigmas do our society place on people who participate in such activities? Why?

How do movies, media, and entertainment play a role in how we feel about political and other issues?

Blood diamonds are negatively looked at by our society. Why is that. And what is the cause for a blood diamond?

What is the feeling about immigration in this country? Is it different than when the fathers of this nation immigrated here?

What can we understand about a country that allows people from another country to protest within it’s borders?

How does religion effect how we live daily? Why are some cultures religiously based and some individually based?

In different parts of the world women play a different role in the community what is the reason for that?

Our country is currently fixed with the entertainment of violence and scandal. What can we determine from the values of a society who find this type of television show to be entertaining?

This T.V. show depicts the mafia what sociological conditions would allow such an organization to be formed?

What reasons do we choose to go to war? And what are the effects on people who wage war?

Why do governments use propaganda? How does our government use our values and sociological conditions to justify war?

Hip Hop music has grown into a very popular music and source displaying emotions about our society today? What effect does the music have on people who listen to it as well as the critics and what are the sociological views of this musical genre?

Hip Hop was founded by African Americans and translates and relates all they way back to musical traditions of Western Africa. How can a white man become a popular entity in that form of musical expression?

What is it about a group of people that decides how they feel or react to the human body and nudity?

What role does a government or religious entity play in determining what is appropriate behavior in regards to sexuality and human behavior?
