Sherlock holmes deconstruction


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The opening shot of the trailer has a lowering crane shot of the of a street at

night, from this we as an audience can clearly get the film is set in the 1980's.

We then hear a voice which says " I have a request" this tells the viewers that

this person that is doing the voice over in actually in the film and not just a

random person doing a voice over through out the trailer. After this we then see

the character for the first time, we see him in a close up but behind bars with

the background lighting very dark, we straight away then get the feeling this

person is a villain because he's in jail as well as having a dark scary location.

Please click title for trailer

Next the villain says " I want to see", this is done in a mid-shot while a different character

comes into the screen,

however this person has a lighter more peaceful atmosphere which gives us the impression

that he's one of the

good characters in the film and most likely to be Sherlock Holmes himself, at this stage you

can't see his face

although we do get the impression that he's calm but mysterious. shortly after this the villain

then says "Mr Holmes"

implying that it was in fact Sherlock. In the next coming shot are very quick and dramatic, as

they are flashing lights

which gives the audience feel more intense and uptight, giving us the impression that

something big

is about to happen. During these quick shots, the lighting is all very dark and depressed. Non-

diegetic sounds starts

when Sherlock in running down the stairs with a lantern which is being shown to us through a

crane camera shot which

also follows him down the stairs.

The Villain then says " you under-estimate the gravity of coming events"

when the Villain says this a weird ritual with

a new female character is lying on a table. Then suddenly the character

starts to rises off the table towards the ceiling

and the camera. Which starts from a mid shot but goes into a close up shot

as the character comes closer to the camera.

As well as this she looks like she dead and scary, it's almost like she should

have been in a scary movie. Followed by this

has many fast paced shots like before. This does occur though out the whole

trailer which gives the fast pace which tells the

audience that this film is very fast pace, has a lot of action, and entertaining.

Through out these shots there are many different

camera angels used such as close-ups, medium shots, and distance shots.

Although the mise-en-scene and lighting are all

very similar.

The villain then goes on to say "the world as you know it, is coming to the end"

this adds the tension and mystery of the plot of the trailer as this is when you

find out the plan of the villain which is clearly to try and end the world or

change the world for his advantage. We are also told this by a clue which is

the music stops at this point followed by a close up shot of Sherlock Holmes.

He then replies with " well there isn't any time to waste then, is there?". This

then changes the feel of the trailer to a different level, this is because the first

30 seconds are dark and mysterious but then the following parts are light,

therefore the lighting in this trailer is representing the types of characters in the

films. This all changes when Sherlock dives out the windows into the river, this

is done by a long shot. This is also when we realise that the setting is in

England, London.

After this scene, the trailer shows us the company's logos with just a

plain black background. Again this is followed by many more quick fast

paced shots with an intense feel to the trailer, including a lot of action.

The lighting is still very light and open at this point as the good

characters are being shown in these shots. During these shots,

Sherlock is pick-locking a door with many different tools he could chose

from and at this point the trailer introduces Dr Watson, we know this

because Sherlock says " always nice to see you Watson". At this point

the audience realise that Dr Watson is Sherlock assistant.

When the two characters have eventually been introduced in the next set

of shots they are all fighting scenes as well as Sherlock and Watson helping

and talking to each other, it's almost like they have been re-united together

for the first time in a long time and then they are up to there all tricks

fighting people again. This shows the audience that there's a lot of different

fighting scenes through out. As well as this there is another non-diegetic

sound, which is fast and fighting like sounds. While this is happening the

characters real names are being shown on the screen. This is done in bold

big simple text and its the same for all of the characters. This is trying to

entice the viewers to watch the film because of the well known

actors/actress in the film.

During one of the fights scenes the music stops so Sherlock could

have a fight with massive guy with a big massive whereas Sherlock

only has a tiny hammer, obviously if they were to fight the bigger

guy with the huge hammer would kill Sherlock. However

Sherlock chucks the tiny hammer at the guy then runs away, this

shows the film will be funny as well as very action entertaining. A

long shot is used to show this scene so we can see the difference

in the two men and size of each other, which helps to make it funny

as it also allows the viewers to see the massive hammer compared

to the tiny one.

The final shots have different types of close-ups,

long shots, and mid shots all going at a very fast

paced like before. However unlike before they aren't

really linked together although we can get the idea

of what is happening. Lastly the trailer just leaves

with the last shots with the texts saying Sherlock
