SamePage Testimonials



Words about SamePage digital music stand

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Some words from our customers

When we first got the system we were a little gun-shy to rely on a piece of technology for our worship service. Once they came in we had high expectations for the units and they surpassed every one of them. We rely on a ton of technology in a service. Keyboards, lighting, presentation computers, and sound equipment, so why not trust another tool? We instantly fell in love with the system as it has allowed so much more creativity and time to work on the music instead of time finding the music. Our whole team enjoys and loves the SamePage system, and I think we are spoiled for life! It has made leading worship and rehearsals so much easier, and efficient. Calling up songs and changing sets on the fly so easily, has made it almost to the point that I forget all the behind the scenes work these units are doing for us. When I sit back and realize all the work and “worship business” this technology does it really is quite amazing! Even the few times we had some tech questions or hang-ups, the tech support was instant and helped guide us effortlessly to getting it back online. It was the best investment we have made into our Creative Arts Department.

Pastor Trevor Walker - Creative Arts Pastor - Clover Hill Assembly of God - Midlothian, Virginia

Evangel Temple Assembly of God purchased 11 of the SamePage System monitors in the Fall of 2008, and we have absolutely loved the system! We use the system for our Worship Band and Orchestra and it works perfect regardless if you are using Chord Charts or Notated Music. The system is great for flexibility and spontaneity in the services or altar call time, and gone are the days of having to keep up with storing paper music, because we get to keep it all in a database! The database that stores the music is awesome too, in that you can work on updating your music, adding new material, creating song lists, or even printing music from the database, on your own computer anywhere you get internet access! I would encourage anyone who works in the "music field" to look into getting your own SamePage System--you will love it!!!!

Jennifer Hidalgo - Evangel Temple Assembly of God - Jacksonville, Florida

In one word...COMMUNICATION. That's what SamePage does for us here at Faith Christian Community. We are always striving to be prepared enough to follow the Holy Spirit's leading & be able to successfully take the congregation with us. SamePage allows us to do that. The ability to change songs on the fly & easily communicate that to the team is invaluable. We have even written songs spontaneously & given the chords to the team through the message board feature. SamePage has turned out to be an amazing tool that helps us go deeper in worship.

Mark Edington - Faith Christian Community - Anchorage, Alaska

Finally the light has come on, and the end of the tunnel is not far away. Here at 1st Baptist Mary Esther we have been fighting the monitor wars from the very first day we started our band. It got to a point where I didn’t have to run any music in the mains, but now all that is soon to be behind us as we are in our transition phase of our switch over from blasting monitors and a mound of music to a system we like to call better than sliced bread, indoor plumbing, etc. etc. Now with the whole band on the SamePage of music and the right key we are like a child on Christmas day. We can’t wait to open up SamePage and MIX and get to work. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Rodney Griffin - First Baptist Mary Esther - Mary Esther, Florida

I am very happy with the SamePage system. It has really done a good job of bringing continuity for the band on Sunday mornings. We are just now getting ready to implement the Media Shout piece of the picture. Everything seems to be working really well. I really believe this product can revolutionize worship bands for any size church. Once again, I am very happy with the product and look forward to all the new exciting things you will come up with in the future. (maybe someday a direct link in the software to ccli…?)

Marty Adams - Florence Christian Church - Florence, Oregon

I know that we aren’t your typical customer, but SamePage has made a major difference in our band. With a traveling, high energy, “Big Band” of 13 musicians and one sound engineer, our group plays 20 -25 dates a year. We have amassed a tremendous music library over the 79 years that this group, started by my grandfather, has been in existence. On average, we play 55-65 songs at each of these 4 hour events. Keeping our library current, making sure everyone has their specific part, and trying to anticipate the requests we’ll receive from the audience, is a logistical nightmare! Not anymore!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you SamePage for bringing order to our stage! Once we loaded in all of our music, it was there for each musician in the form he or she needed to see. No longer do I hear, “I’m missing my part” or “What are we playing next”, or “You didn’t give me the right part”. What used to take one to two days to set our playlist, pull the music, place it in individual binders, is now taking me less that 45 minutes! I have my time back and the flexibility to no longer “anticipate” requests, because our entire library is stored right on SamePage!!!! We can meet most any request, because we have the music with us and it’s just a touch away to add it to the playlist!

SamePage has made my life so much easier, cut the clutter on the stage (no more music stands, music lights, paper music) and set up and tear down is so much easier, too. SamePage is terrific! You folks need to let other musical groups know about your wonderful product. SamePage isn’t just for worship teams anymore; we proved that and I would highly recommend it to any traveling musical group!

Erika Klaber - Leader of the Franz Klaber Orchestra (aka "Klaberheads") - Hamilton, Ohio

Over the past two years our ministry has been using the SamePage system and has been tremendously blessed by it. We are able to maintain organization and spontaneity at the touch of a button. The most beneficial thing for me is the remote control ability allowing me to plan from anywhere. Whether I am out of town at a conference, away for the holidays or just at home with my little ones, I can access the system and create the play list. When I arrive on stage everything is ready to go. This system has brought unity, flexibility and freedom to our worship services and I am excited about the continued growth and new updates available. I would encourage you to check it out and see if it is right for your church ministry. It has truly blessed us!

Kevin Cooper - Wellington Church - Lexington, Kentucky

Our team was very excited when we added the SamePage system. It has made a tremendous difference in the flexibility of our worship services and truly allows us to focus on following the Holy Spirit. The ease of use and time saving features it offers saves valuable administrative time and improves the quality of our practice. We look forward to the great ideas and plans Corevalus has for the SamePage system.

Andy Milligan - The River of Life Church - Decatur, Texas

SamePage has been the best product I have ever bought in over 25 years of ministry. The only regret I have is that it wasn’t available when I first felt God calling me into full-time ministry. Those countless hours spent making notebooks for all of our accompanists are now a thing of the past! SamePage has been a blessing in many ways. It allows for spontaneity in worship every week. Those times when the pastor wants to sing a song on the spur of the moment are so much easier now. All it takes is a couple of seconds to pull up the song from the database and everyone has it ready to go. We have also used SamePage with our hand bell choir. All of the members feel this is the greatest invention ever for hand bells. They never have those awkward page turns anymore. As the director, I have the responsibility to tap the footswitch that “turns the page” for them. They love it! We found another great use for it during our Christmas pageant. We were able to put the entire script on each station with notes for lighting, sound cues, props to be moved in and out, scene changes, etc. This was an incredible help for the many people working behind the scenes. It was also a great source to help with lines for the actors. I love using SamePage. Many other Ministers have heard about it and have called to see if it is as good as it seems. My answer has always confirmed that it is the best product I have ever purchased.

Phillip Smith - Westoak Woods Baptist - Austin, Texas

I just need to tell you how incredible SamePage is. I knew that the system would be a great asset to our Worship Ministries, but, I didn’t know that it would revolutionize us. Instead of the normal routine search and gathering of music, I can have the entire morning worship ready and lined out in minutes. We have had the system operational for about 6 weeks now and what a blessing. I never want to go back to the way we used to do it. And, I don’t think that our musicians would let me. One more thing. What an incredible company. Anytime I needed help, you guys were there. You made me feel as if I were your only customer. Your willingness to talk me through my particular challenges, your technical department double checking on me to make sure that the challenge was resolved, the personal touch, understanding and concern about my ministry needs convinced me that the desire of your company was to really help this ministry. Thank you for your vision, and thank you for all of your help.

Blake Northam - Marble Falls First Baptist Church - Marble Falls, Texas

Although our music team has had SamePage for only a month, we have quickly grown accustomed to it; it has brought flexibility and ease to our rehearsals and services and eliminated a lot of paper. On our first Sunday, I remembered that I didn’t have to signal “verses one and four” during a prayer before a song, but could simply send a message that showed up on everyone’s station. The transposition feature allows our guitarists to play in any key they wish, without extra papers or guesswork for me. And the remote planning feature has allowed each of us to log in from home or work, upload our own chord charts for our own screens, and see the playlist for services as it develops during the week. Along with a great product, the support we’ve received for SamePage has been friendly and generous. From the initial demonstration to several phone calls during the first few weeks of use, the team building and supporting SamePage has always answered every question and provided patient and caring follow-through. We love SamePage! (Now if they’ll just add a little lip on the bottom of each screen so we have a place to put cough drops…)

David Naylor - New Heights Chapel - Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Everything was so repetitive and monotonous. I was spending far too much time copying music, making replacement books for those that were lost – always redoing charts. I was very frustrated. We were limiting ourselves, and I knew that we needed to change things, but I really didn’t know how. I am not good with computers and wasn’t sure I could learn it, but I soon found out that this is a very easy and forgiving system. Importing songs is a snap, and I can even do my playlist remotely from my office. I can put songs directly into the system, which means no more printing, copying and assembling a book that might not even make it back to church on Sunday. All the music is right here, all the time. My practices are going so much smoother. I am not constantly going to the copy machine to redo music. We can make changes to songs during practices, and they are saved until the next time we play them. And, I’m amazed at the flexibility I have during worship services. I can add songs on the fly during the service. With our entire music library in the system, I can add and delete songs with just a touch of the button. Now, when the pastor wants to change a song during the service, all I have to do is load it and go. My job has been made so much easier. I now have everything ready and organized by Monday, and, no matter what curve ball we’re thrown during Sunday services, we’re up to it. The best part is everyone knows where we’re going. We are truly on the same page.

Krystal Owens - Grace Christian Center - Georgetown, Kentucky

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