Questionnaire results


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From this you can see that the most favourite film genre of my target audience is horror. It seems to have a huge lead compared to the others, and it seems that comedy and drama isn’t favoured at all within my target audience.

This graph shows that my target audience is equal in gender. This makes the results fair as, stereo typically, I thought that females would favour a different genre rather than horror.

As you can see, my target audience happen to be within the 15-17 age range. This is because the people I asked happened to be classmates and friends.

From this you can see that the most favourite type of horror are psychological horrors. This one was a close call, with only one difference between all three sub-genres. Psychological horrors can also feature demonic possession too. Making this one different to the other questions.

From this you can see that the most favourite film title was cloven by a stretch. This title struck my audience as they were unsure of what it meant. This created a code of enigma. But shortly after explaining what it meant, they were in favour of ‘Cloven.’

From this you can see that the most favourite film was a draw between Evil Dead and Paranormal Activity. This is mainly because they both feature some sort of demonic possession and some sort of Psychological twist. Where as scream and Blair witch project are different.

80% of my audience said that movie trailers encourage them to watch the film for many reasons:

• “It shows all of the best bits which make the film look good.”

• “Movie trailers allow you to see a preview of the film to give you the chance to see if you like it.”

The remaining 20% didn't feel that movie trailers encourage them because:

• “They’re just spoilers. They give too much away.”

From this you can see that most people prefer to watch 15 rated films. This is suitable as my target audience age ranges between 15-17.