Question 5


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How did you


your audience?

The black, red and white theme

was presented throughout my

music magazine which attracts

both male and female audience.

The masthead is red and black; the ‘C’ pops

out more against the coloured image.

Therefore, making the masthead stand out

and attract the audience; the colours I’ve

chosen (black, red and white) attracts the

female and the minority of male readers to

the magazine and links well with the R&B

genre I’ve chosen.

Not only the colours I choose that attracts

the readers attention but I decided to add a

puff on the front cover which is continued

onto the content page. The puff says that

the audience can win free tickets which

makes the reader want to find out more

about these free tickets.

The main storyline catches the readers eye as the ‘new and

exclusive’ has a black outline attracting the audience there

anyway. Once the reader is there the text which comes next

engages the audience to read on and find out more.
