Question 4


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By Patrick Metry


Who would be the audience for your media product? For our media product the audience we were aiming at were

the older generation of youth this is the age of 15-25.

This is Charlie he is 18 years and 4 months old, and lives in West London. Charlie is currently in full time education.

Charlie is an average guy he likes to go out and play football with his friends. Charlie is an standard student and dresses casually. He enjoys movies such as “Tormented”, “Shaun of the dead”, “ Scream 1,2,3,4” , “Spiderman”, “The American”. Charlie enjoys playing video games such as the ‘Playstation’, he enjoys playing games such as Call of duty, and Halo. His favorite food is Chinese and loves to go to Chinese restraints. In his spare time he would watch TV, some of his favorite shows include “Eastenders” , “Top Gear”, and “CSI”. I think this film would appeal to this boy Charlie as he is our typical audience that we were aiming at. Also stereo typically teenage boys like Charlie enjoy horror thrillers such as ours. I reckon if Charlie and his friends were to go out and see a movie and our film ‘Split’ was on, him and his friends would watch it as its similar to the films he likes such as ‘Tormented’ and ‘Scream’.
