Question 1




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Evaluation Questions

1) In what way does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE existing codes and conventions

2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

3) What have you learnt from audience feedback?

4) How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages

1)In what way does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE existing codes and conventions

Tiffany BreenCandidate number:Aquinas College: 33435

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?

PlanningIn order to keep my planning clear, organised and in chronological order I uploaded it all to a blog. This allowed me to produce my storyboarding, not taking and deconstruction of different existing products, to be presented tidy, clear and concise.

Formula for ALL soap operas•Establishing shot- MS, MLS, PANNING, TRACKING.Location, time and position of the characters in relation to each other – making sure eye lines match and audience understand who is exchanging dialogue with on another* Series of MCU, BCU, CU, as well as slow motion, zooms and panning.Get cloer as the scene progresses so the audience can see emotion on the characters faces “ pressure cooker effect” then the audience is drawn in and playing attention.•Reaction shot 3-5 secondsAllows the audience to digest events before moving into the next scene

•Soap operas run continuously •Filmed on a set location•Storylines overlap to keep audience interested•Extreme close ups to show characters emotion



I have evaluated 2 existing soap operas in my blog please view these


The costumes of these characters are cheap and tacky and also not fashionable this represents that they are part of the working/middle class.

The characters are both at home in the day light as the natural light is shining through, this could suggest the economic state might of made them loose there last jobs they had

The male character is holding a teddy bear showing suggesting he might have a child and that the reason he needs a job but hasn't got one.

The beer could state that hes fed up as he is drinking in the daytime

Female decorations around the room, with a floral wall paper and old fashion furniture reflects her personality and age, also that she doesn't have the money to re-decorate her house as she hasn't got a job

The board cockney accent gives the soap regional identity as this soap is in the east end.


What makes my trailer a soap

Establishing shot

Natural lighting

Mid-close up shot

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?

Natural lighting to emphasize realism

Minimal makeup to create realism

Close-up shots to show the audience real emotion

1Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?How my soap opera use and conform conventions

Q1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENEGE existing codes and conventions?

This mid shot gives the audience suspense as characters on the sofa have been caught but they don't know.

This over the shoulder, high angled shot makes the audience feel as thought they have caught the characters and are stood over them. They will feel emotion from there reaction

This close-up shot shows the character sleeping

This is a close up shot of the characters phone receiving a text “ I'm pregnant” and the noise waking him up, the audience will give a reaction

This shot is a low angled close-up shot of him reaching for the phone, this creates suspense

This low angled close up shot shows the reaction of the character after reading the text, the audience already knowing what it says.

