Question 1




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Question 1 Fall out boy

Media studies 2013

Luke powter

This is the magazine front cover we created. It covers the standard conventions put forward on a normal magazine cover. This cover has a rating from other magazines and the big bold

style of letters that stands out. Also included is the image that is included in the digipack to promote the album like normal

magazine covers do and to promote the artist. The reason we chose this image on the background rather than the others was that it fitted well with the front cover of the album and was also perfect when created the distorted image. Moreover the colours

on the picture nicely fitted together and created a perfect magazine cover.

This is the digital pack used for our album. It follows the common conventions used by bands when they create their

albums. We follow the exact same structure of album by using 6 panes and having the songs on the back and front cover

with the name of the album on the front. We also follow the same colour scheme throughout since we found that in most band albums they all have the same colour throughout. Also we made sure to focus on graffiti as we used this throughout

the video.

This is a image of the bass guitarist that we used in our video. The conventions in rock videos shows each band member at least once performing with their instrument. So we stuck to this by showing the bass guitarist for a few scenes. We are using the bass guitarist to show their talent and then sell them to the consumers as they are multi talented.

• This is a image of the lead guitarist playing a part in the music video which is common in this rock genre. Fall out boy usually cuts for a quick second to the guitarist to show that the band is creating the music with their instruments. In this we also wanted to show each individual band members skills so that it would sell to the consumers and would be able put forward the image of each band member which most band videos do.

• This is the shot of the band performing together. We know that in the genre we used ,rock, they always show the band playing as a group since fall out boy is a band and not just one singer. So therefore we stuck to the convention and used the band image throughout the video to support this. We also put the band in the correct positions so that it kept to the conventions since we had lead singer at the front, drummer in that back and that guitarists at each side.

• This is a shot of the drummer performing in the back ground. We positioned the drummer accordingly to fit the convention. Moreover there is always a drummer a rock genre band so we made this sure and we always knew what instruments fall out boy used so we had to get a drummer in.

• This is a shot of the lead singer performing. Not fully in convention due to the fact the band isn’t there but in the group we chose the band and most bands only have one main singer so we decided to show this more by placing him alone with out the band to try keep to the same convention. We also created great natural light in this scene and when we watch most rock videos they have natural light in their video so this also helped.

In the video we made sure to include plenty shots of the band using their instruments. We wanted to stick to the convention of showing full use of the instruments. This is because if you watch bands such as sum 41 you see shots of them using their instruments up close. We also wanted to show that we are keeping to the genre of rock since over time mostly every rock band has performed with their instruments and we didn't’t want to move away from this since it is the genre that we picked. Moreover we wanted to sell the images of the bands skill to be able to perform whilst using the instruments in the video. Which is the conventions of most bands. Instruments are sometimes the main focus of a video to show off the skill of each band member.

• This is a shot of the band in the ending scenes throwing flower around and creating the feel we wanted to put across of ‘having fun’. We found that when we watched fall out boy videos they always seem to be just messing around acting young and again ‘having fun’. So we decided to stick with this convention since we generated a lot of good ideas to use in the video for this. We can see when you watch videos such as sum 41 and 30 seconds to mars. Which we initially used to help us create the video and we used 30 seconds to mars video to help us create this flower scene at the end of our video.

• This is a shot of the location that we used when filming. It was the derelict warehouse we used since it had the right space and graffiti on the walls which you can see in this image. Overall the location was perfect and it stuck to the conventions since in most rock videos it is in a open clear space.
