Primary research


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I used this as the first question on the survey in

order to understand just how many males and

females answered the questions. This would then

help me to understand more about the gender I

would use in my TA. I wanted an even number of

both males and females but a lot of the men

wouldn't stop to answer questions.

This question was done to establish the

type of age group my TA would fall under.

Due to me asking a lot of students the

highest age range was 15 - 25 year olds.

The lowest age range was 35 - 45.

This is one of the most important questions

and from the results I found that a lot of

people do not watch short films, this could be

because of the majority of 15 -25 year olds I

asked, as people in this age group are more

inclined to go and watch feature length films.

Although there was a small proportion of this

group that had actually watched a short film.

For this question I already predicted

what the outcome would be due to the

results of the previous question. As

suspected 1- 2 was the highest value

for the amount of short films, my

participants had seen.

In this question I was not surprised to see

that Teen, romance and thriller were the

popular genres. The minorities of fantasy

and action were a result of the small

proportion of males and 35- 45 and 45+ age

groups. From this graph I am able to

establish which genre my TA would enjoy

watching the most.

After gaining some information about short films

in general. I wanted to get information on my

preferred genre of film which was a teen drama. I

asked this question in order to get some ideas on

what they think actually happens, so I can think

of scenarios to happen in my film. The highest

ranking scenarios were: relationships breaking

up, bullying and teenage pregnancy

This question is similar to the one prior but

here I wanted to know what my audience

would want in a teen drama and not what

actually happens already. The results

changed slightly but not drastically and a

lot more people, would like teenage

pregnancy to be the main focus and family

issues which increased a lot. I think

bullying is a overused subject in teen

drama and the public wants a change,

which its preference was so low.

This was the last of the closed questions and I wanted

to find out what sorts of music my audience would

hear, in order to establish what sorts of music I should

use in my film that will add to the narrative and create

tension. Dramatic and tension building was the

highest with 28% and Upbeat and lively coming in

second with 22%, the next was slow and sad. From

this I would use dramatic and slow and sad, as the

two styles juxtapose and can help to show changes in

emotion in the film.