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The Image of the main characters is centred at the middle with the dominant signifier being the lead role. Who comes out more and is brighter than the other two main characters suggesting his importance and power in the movie.

It has a the titlein big bold lettering but underneath the image showing the importance of the image

The white writing stands out from the poster dark coloured background. The ‘A’ in dead is of a pattern/design of a zombie hand and the rest of the writing has blotchy patterning as if it was bloodstains. They is also a positive comment from a critic that is used.

The colour Red is used a lot to show gore and blood because it tell us the genre

The production credits are included below the title in black and because it the only black writing in the poster it shows importance

The date is included, however they are not specific with the day

It has a witty tagline

Like the Shaun of the dead poster it has a witty taglineon top of the poster and the beneath the image of the poster.

The main colour include black and red which are colours that is related with fearful and scary object, image and is considered negative colours. The tile is red with the 3 being white show a difference because it stating it unique or different from its pre-sequels.The date is also

included and also has the small prints of the main characters names’, the production credits, the audiences’ age and more.

The images show the main characters and once again the character that has the most importance is highlighted to us by being in the middle. The title has a TV with a ring has a image for the letter ‘O’.

The poster has an if not similar the same structure has the previous poster I analysis ‘Shaun of the dead’.

Unlike the other movie posters the title of the movie is on top but similar to both it has the theme incorporated into the title. The main characters are in the image however the actor in the right hand side is the dominant signifier as he looks like he is coming towards the audience and is also covering the second actors, this show even though both are main character, they is a hierarchy in roles. This may mean the movie revolves around him mainly.

There is also a witty tag line. The main coloursare blue and pink. This could be done to show there is a battle between the sexes as blue is seen as a masculine colour and pink as a feminine colour. In the background it shows images of many different females but is not clear enough to see this could have been done to show they significant in the film, even though they are portrayed throughout the film there are not as important as the guys that are clearly visible.

The production credits, actors and more are included in the small print. The actor’s names are also included again at the top of the title this show significant and that the actors who are in this movie to be well known.