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AS MediA FoundAtion PortFolio evAluAtion


M itchell

What kind of m ed ia institution m ight d istribute your m ed ia product and why?

IPC m ed ia produces over 60 iconic m ed ia brands.

Throughout the U K two thirds of fem ales and 42% m ales read print

alone. (26 m illion U K adults).

The websites IPC m ed ia incorporate have 20 m illion views each m onth.

They produce a wide collection of m ed ia, which suits everyone’s needs

not just focusing on one social group.

They already d istribute highly known m agazine N M E. This shows that

they have a lot of experience and knowledge in the m usic industry.

By publishing m y m agazine through IPC, it would be a good

opportunity and it would be respected as it is being approved by IPC .

"IPC" m ed ia stands for International Publishing Corporation M ed ia. They

are associated with a wide range of of m agazines varying from gardening to

television, sailing to firearm s, photography to m usic.

Who would the aud ience be for your m ed ia product?

General Background Information

Nam e: H ayden Atkins

Age: 1 6

Ethnicity: White British

L ives Solihull

Music Interests

H ayden listens to m usic on a regular basis. H e will often

listen to m usic from YouTube as background m usic. H e

does not buy/download m usic as he doesn’t feel the need,

but he still likes listening to it.

Favourite Artists

Blink-1 82, The K ooks, Bom bay B icycle club.

L ikes

Football, Read ing, Parties, Journalism .


RnB m usic, Villa, Reality TV, Brussels Sprouts.

General Background Information

Nam e: H arriet Castle

Age: 1 8

Ethnicity: White British

L ives Solihull

Music Interests

H arriet loves m usic. She tries to listen to it on a daily basis

before and after work. She will often buy m usic and attends

concerts whenever possible. She also enjoys festivals such

as Read ing.

Favourite Artists

The Wom bats, The K ooks, A D ay To Rem em ber

L ikes

Read ing, Relaxing, Pancakes, Parties


Chavs, Peanuts, School, D ram a

Who would the aud ience be for your m ed ia product?

General Background Information

Nam e: Annie Thom as

Age: 1 7

Ethnicity: White British

L ives Solihull

Music Interests

Annie loves listening to m usic. She will regularly attend

concerts and downloads a lot of her m usic. She also

synchronises her m usic to her IPod so she can listen to

m usic wherever she goes.

Favourite Artists

The K ooks, Exam ple, Los Cam pesinos!

L ikes

Scooters, Geography, Relaxing, Sunday Roast.


Walking, D yed hair, H eavy M etal, Com puters.

General Background Information

N am e: Toby Railton

Age: 1 7

Ethnicity: White British

L ives Solihull

Music Interests

Toby occasionally listens to m usic, he is not a big fan but he

appreciates that it is helpful and often listens to m usic to

relieve stress after a long day.

Favourite Artists

Bloodhound Gang, AC/D C, Arctic M onkeys

L ikes

Econom ics, X box, M ovies, Walking his dog.


Geom etry, Chavs, D ecorating, Ovens

H ow d id you attract/address your aud ience?

New And U pcom ing N ews being D etailed to

let them know what is going on.

M ain dom inant im age with clothing

that relates to the aud ience and its

latest trends.

From m y questionnaire, I noticed that the m ajority of people said they

would pay between 2- 3. Therefore, I m ade m y m agazine 1 .50, which is £ £ £lower than what they said they would pay and so they would m ore likely

buy m y m agazine.

Top artists in that genre that m y readers

would be fam iliar with and enjoy.

Celebrity gossip.

Showing new and upcom ing artists that

are going to be big.

I included a m ain header in large bold letters, to m ake it

stand out, appealing to the aud ience by becom ing obvious.