Pre trip task yingge museum


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• Done by: Ashley Teo, Annette Fernandez, Joanne Chew, Annabelle Lim, Lim Yi Ching & Xiao Yi

TAIWAN ROCS 3 - Expedition to

the Yingge Pottery Museum

● The museum exhibits comprehensively cover the

surprisingly wide number of applications for which

ceramics are used.

● While the first hall features fine examples of exquisite

vases, plates, and other ornaments, many of the

remaining galleries are devoted to the history,

production, and use of ceramics, the displays

continually manage to rivet visitors' attention with their

surprising diversity.

Why do people go to Yingge to

do pottery?

● Originated from people of prehistoric times through historical-era

aboriginal artisans, mainland Chinese immigrants, and the

Japanese during their occupation of the island (1895-1945), is

illustrated in a skillfully designed series of exhibits that includes

multimedia installations.

● Adaptability of ceramics is made clear through displays of newer

techniques and modern industrial usages, ranging from electricity

insulators to bathroom sinks and even use in Taiwan's booming

high-tech industry.

● Other rooms are devoted to kilns and their different types.

Why are they famous for


• Traditional Pottery Techniques Hall

• Once they Were: Development of Taiwan Ceramics

• Pottery Town: History of Yingge

• Shuttle Through Time:

Prehistoric/Aboriginal/Contemporary Ceramics

• Future Prediction: Industrial and High-tech Ceramics

The 5 exhibition themes are:

Pottery Process! (6.55 onwards)

Generally speaking, when everything is going as fast as possible in the


• Wedging, throwing, any wet decorative work --- one day

• Drying to soft/medium leather-hard for trimming, smoothing and signing

(trimming included) --- one to three days

• Drying to Bone Dry --- count on one to two weeks (depending on how

humid or dry the weather is)

• Stacking the kiln, pre-heat, bisque firing, cool down, unloading --- three

to four days

• Glazing (functional ware) --- two to three days

• Stacking the kiln, glaze firing, cool down, unloading --- two to three days

The Pottery Process!

● Ceramic materials tend to be especially

strong, stiff, brittle, chemically inert, and non-

conductors of heat and electricity, but their

properties vary widely.

Advantages of ceramic

compared to other materials

● Pottery can be used to form a wide array of things we

use in our day to day lives.

● It can be utilised to make plates, bowls and cutlery, it

also can be a form of art.

● As such ceramic production increases, the standard of

living and way of life in Yingge was improved and


● there has been an increase in pottery sold in auctions

thus there can be huge benefits reaped from the

production of pottery.

How ceramics influences the

growth of Yingge town:

