Posting pics with PB+ version 2


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Posting Pics with PB+ Version 2.0

You have the option to post pictures via 3 providers and you have the

option to post Gif’s via 1 Provider.

In order for the pictures & gif’s to show up in chat you have to activate

it in PB+ settings. (sub tab Chat Settings)

The option “show linked image previews in chat is disabled by default.

Thus, you need to activate to use this function.

Posting Via

Uploading a pic or gif to Imgur is very easy.

But the old Imgur had posting options providing you with various links to

post your pic or gif.

Nowadays that is not the case. And you need to add the extension like .jpg

to the end of the link for it to show up in chat.

When you hover over your uploaded picture a posting link comes up.

That link is without the pic extension like .jpg or.gif so you must add


Creating a link like this.

Posting this link in chat allows your pic to show up

in chat.

Posting Via

Posting via Tinypic is rather straightforward.

After selecting the picture to upload from an url or hard disk you have

several posting links for that pic. Select the green encircled option for


Posting Via

Posting via postimage is rather straightforward.

After selecting the picture to upload from a hard disk you have several

posting links for that pic. Select the green encircled option for posting

Posting Via

Posting via GIPHY is rather straightforward but it ONLY allows GIF’s.

You can use a GIF from your Hard disk or via an URL.

Like on Facebook these animates gif’s can play in chat.

After selecting the picture to upload from an url or hard disk you have

several posting links for that pic. Select the green encircled option for


Your animated GIF can now be posted in chat.

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