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Culture Shock

October 23, 2007

Today’s goals

Homework and goals (2:00-2:05) Short film clip and discussion (2:05-2:20) Culture shock board exercise and follow up question

(2:20-2:30) U-curve review and W-curve discussion (2:30-2:40) Phases of Cultural Awareness (2:40-2:45) DVD of culture shock (2:45-3:15)

Homework for next time

Prepare questions on culture shock and adjustment for our guests next time


View short segment of The Terminal (10 mn clip) Describe how is culture shock characterized for

Viktor Navorski (Tom Hanks)? Can you relate to his experience? If so, how?

Culture Shock

Brainstorm on board In groups of 3-4 you

have 1 minute to write as many words on the board that relate to culture shock as you can come up with

How many of these words did you come up with?

Culture Shock

Do you agree that culture shock is less often caused by a single incident and more often caused by an accumulation of anxiety, frustration and confusion ?

Do you make positive, negative, neutral connotations with culture shock? Why?

Also called “culture fatigue” or “culture bumps”

What were the 4 stages of the U curve that we discussed last time?

Honeymoon = Honeymoon Stage Hostility = Culture Shock Stage Humor = Adjustment Stage at Home = Adaptation Stage

Describe the difference between the U and W curves?

Describe each of the phases of Cultural Awareness (Howell, 1982) Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious competence

Activity: SA p. 105 Determine which phase each traveler is in and why?

Watch DVD on culture shock (producers Liz Keller / Megan Moxie)

Think about questions for panel discussion during next class period