Mystical Maladoreias: An RKC Chapter 1


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Maladoreias: A History in the Making

Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Hyperia which was ruled by the benevolent and kindly King Henry Rothgate. Around the third generation of his

family’s rule, a terrible plague besot the kingdom; known only as MNG and it wiped out the entire population of over six thousand. Hyperia was burned to the ground in an effort to destroy any remaining plague outbreaks. Word reached the far off kingdom of Maladoreias where the cousin of King Henry, King Vayne Solidore ruled. He vowed to never allow the same fate to befall his kingdom as the one that destroyed his cousin’s.

His kingdom is small but it is growing and will one day be rich and prosperous and be home to fifty thousand souls.

This is his story.

High upon the tallest hill where one can see the whole kingdom, sits Castle Solidore and a few select lots awaiting construction. A Royal Venue where the king may hold

court with his subjects and two small plots of land set aside for the families of the castle’s servants and courtiers.

At the base of the hill, the rest of the kingdom is situated nicely near the main trade route for Maladoreias, the Blue Jewel River. The Nobility got the best pick of the land, closest to the hill and the king while the Merchants chose plots closer to the river. For

the Peasantry they were given land in the farming area so that they may earn their living and care for the soil.

King Vayne Solidore had the same blond hair as did all of his branch of the family, however his eyes were unique. They were one of the features his queen loved the most

about him.

Queen Penelo came from the long line of Fae folk whose appearances closely resembled the elements. In her case her indigo coloured hair tied her to the element of water and the Blue Jewel river that ran through the kingdom. The Solidore family had always held great respect for the land that her people cared for and it was no surprise when

Princess Penelo fell in love with the handsome young Prince Vayne, their union bound the two family lines, and the land of Maladoreias, together.

The queen soon gave birth to two beautiful twin daughters, Princess Anne* and Princess Jennifer*. Both girls had their mother’s hair but different eyes. However,

Vayne desired a son to carry on his family name.

*naming theme for the Monarch’s children are those on Boolprop who have or have had BaCC’s in the past.

Princess Anne had her father’s purple eyes and Princess Jennifer has her mother’s green eyes. Unless you see their eyes the twins are bound to confuse even their parents when

they get older.

King Vayne: I cannot wait to meet my son. Our daughters will be so happy to have another little one to play with.

Queen Penelo: I hope so.

Queen Penelo: Happy birthday dear ones.

King Vayne: May all your days be filled with laughter and happiness from now on.

Princess Anne Solidore Cancer


Princess Jennifer Solidore Leo


One day the queen was interrupted from her sewing by a pain in her abdomen, it was time to give birth to the next heir of the kingdom…

King Vayne ran to her side as soon as he heard her calling to him…

She presented to him the next heir of Maladoreias, Prince Nemo* Solidore. He looked exactly like his father.

*named after the Boolprop record holder for most friends in a pre-Apocalypse and the fastest completion of a BaCC, Twilightoutside, formerly Little Nemo. He showed us all the

true power of Outings in an Apocalypse and how to make more than a million with a single business in a short time for a BaCC.

The first of the new settlers arrived at the end of the week, Hayden and Aveline Prescott received the invitation from the king to join him in his new kingdom. Before moving to Maladoreias, Hayden was a successful politician and he hopes to continue campaigning

here in his new home with his wife.

Both of them were surprised when Aveline got pregnant almost immediately after they had settled in. Her hobby of pottery would come in handy for when Hayden has accumulated enough money to purchase his first business in addition to his

career in Politics.

The young couple welcomed their first child Connor to the family, Hayden had his heir already and he couldn’t wait to teach his new son everything he knew.

Aveline presented her husband with his son and then she started to huff again…

So she could deliver Connor’s twin sister Catherine. Aveline had her daughter as well as her son and she was glad to get one of each at once.

Although they had two wonderful children already, both of them agreed that having one more would make their family complete.

While they awaited the birth of their third child, it was time to give the twins their first birthday in the new house. Hayden brought Connor to the cake that Aveline had

purchased for the twins’ special day.

Aveline brought her daughter to her cake as well. With a quick song for them and a toss…

The Prescott twins were ready to get into trouble.

Connor Prescott Scorpio


Catherine Prescott Aries


I didn’t take many pictures of these two families in their first weeks. This time and I’m trying to go without a plot heavy play through this time. Hyperia’s plot wore me out trying to keep it going every new week and I want to try a minor story/observation this time around. No businesses were started for these two families this time. I wanted to wait and let them build up some merchandise and money before I bought them a lot. As before, taxes will be totalled at the end of the week and I take 10% of their lot values as taxes, so the numbers will be getting pretty high, pretty quickly.