Music magazine analysis


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The magazine states the date and year so if you are collecting them or buy them every week you shall know when your missing one or when they we’re released. Also the cost of the magazine isn't every expensive because this is mostly aimed at 19+ which don't have much money because they are possibly uni students which is good because the cheaper it is the more people buy it.

This heading is big and bold the colours yellow and red really contrast each other to make it stand out. Having unseen photos of artists attracts readers to buy the magazine to look at these photos and feel like they are the only ones that have seen theses new unseen photos.

This attracts readers to buy the magazine as they think they are in with a chance of winning tickets worth £60 + and would be a great chance to see their favourite band live.

This is an exclusive interview with someone confessing. Which drags attention because readers always want to hear the latest gossip first.

Coney island is a place fun fair in New York which is a place that many hipsters and indie people are known to go which fits in well with Jake bugs music genreThis artists name is

written in bold red to show he is very serious. This could also mean he is serious about his music and isn't a pop artist at all

This headline shows a little about the interview NME have with Jake bugg and how it will be very interesting and serious about his life and how he is making it by himself without the help of talent shows like Xfactor.

More interviews with other bands/artists show NME are a well known and artists trust to tell them their exclusives.

Front Cover Analysis

Jake Bugg’s facial expression shows that he is serious about his music and that he is doing it for himself and he doesn't care what other people think about him or his music.

The magazine has an objectified image of Cheryl Cole. Making her look very sexualized and prestige. Magazines usually do this to attract a male audience.

The magazine title is very big and bold to make sure the readers know what magazine they are reading and that they may recommend it to someone

The magazine uses very dark bold colours to make the magazine very serious and appealing. The colours contrast with each other very well creating a great vibe off the magazine.The magazine has

added big names and bands onto their front cover to show what the magazine contains and how many big artists are willing to give their stories to Kerrang rather than anyone else. Also shows the magazine has a lot of money to spend on getting these people to have interviews, use their photos etc.

The magazine has a bold and serious fonts to show the magazine is serious and mature.

The magazine gives itself the label of ‘ the Uk’s biggest music magazine’ to big themselves up and to make people believe they are the best. Most radio stations also do this.

Front Cover Analysis

Red symbolizes intense passion,aggression,and courage. It can also symbolize sexual impulses, danger and shame. Red is usually not a favourite colour for negotiations or meetings and is great for drawing attention to things.

This gives the readers studio access which they would never normally have, it makes them feel privileged to know what has happened before that song or album was released

Kerrang have added a TV programme in their magazine to show that they have artists from other programmes connecting with them and telling them their latest changes in their life.The magazine uses emotive language such as ‘puke!’ this gives off a feeling and an emotion they want the readers to feel and understand.

Adding posters is a freebie this drags the audience into buying the magazine because they will get something out of it that they like and would love to have.

This heading is big and bold the colours white and red really contrast each other to make it stand out. Having unseen photos of artists attracts readers to buy the magazine to look at these photos and feel like they are the only ones that have seen theses new unseen photos.

The main story is bigger than the Kerrang name this shows they have a big story to tell and this grabs the readers attention. Having the title cover most of the page creates a busy cover and great attention.

The bands facial expressions and body attitude show they are very rock ‘n’roll which fits in perfectly with the magazine they are in. they seem very happy like they have many stories to tell and they are excited to be in the UK on their tour.

The title of the magazine is mostly covered as they do not need the title big and bold as the magazine is well known and people instantly know the magazine without even seeing the whole title.

Front Cover Analysis

The magazine has added big names and bands onto their front cover to show what the magazine contains and how many big artists are willing to give their stories to Kerrang rather than anyone else. Also shows the magazine has a lot of money to spend on getting these people to have interviews, use their photos etc.The magazine is very busy this tells the readers it has many stories and gossip about all bands/artists.

Contents Page AnalysisThe contents page is very dark and bold colours to create a live and serious setting.

Having a musician very into his music with is instrument shows this magazine isn't all about the gossip and the latest stories. It actually cares about the music, the artists and their connection to music. Having a story bigger than all the others on the cover page separates them from all the rest and shows this is the main story of this weeks/months magazine and this is what you should read firs.

The contents page is kept very simple and neat to give the readers an easy understanding of the magazine and what it contains. Creators make contents pages like this to not overfill the page like they mostly do with front covers. This is mostly made out of importance.

This contents page has only nine features shown although the magazine itself has over 60 pages this contents page is very unhelpful as it doesn’t tell you what is on most pages. The features have

bigger headings and then underneath they have information about the feature/article.

This contents page is very dull boring and unhelpful. I would not use this as my example because it doesn't give me enough information about the articles inside and is very boring.

Contents Page Analysis

This contents page is very busy and has lots of images this pulls the audience to all different parts of the pages. Getting the audience intrigued and curious about the articles inside.

Most magazines give their readers a chance to sign up or subscribe to their magazine this gives you more of a chance to get the latest gossip and all their new tweets, face book posts etc. this also may give you a chance to get all the new freebies including tickets festivals..

The colours of the magazine are very bold this grabs the readers attention in order to get them to look at all the new articles. Some stories are much bigger than others this is normally made like this to show the importance of the article or story..

Having images next to the article help sell the article as this interests people more to see more photos for example having a cartoon image on a serious magazine gives readers that feel of excitement.

Having little information is also great as it gives the reader the feel they are searching for their stories and searching for the thing they want.

The features and page numbers are mostly laid out into columns this is normal for music magazines to have as this is a great simple lay out for everyone to understand and read.

They also have different sections which is very helpful if people are looking for the regular features, cover stories, top gossip, new photos etc.

Having big and bold random photos attracts the audience into looking more into these stories and being intrigued

Having a story alternatively towards famous life. This is a great puller for audiences to read about because readers always want to know something that everyone doesn’t already know.

Nme uses a band index on the first page when they open the magazine so the readers can find it easy to find the band that they specifically want to read about, or a specific article that has published in the magazine.

An extract of the biggest story is shown on the contents page to give you a taster of the full story on a page further in. it also gives the reader more of an intention to read further on throughout the magazine.

The subscription for the magazine is in completely different colour scheme to the rest of the magazine making it stand out to the reader as the magazine company wants readers to subscribe.

They use subheadings for each different part of the magazine so it is much easier for the readers to find what they are looking for.

In bold letters at the top of the page in the masthead they put NME THIS WEEK this makes sure the reader as soon as they open the magazine know NME publish their magazine weekly. So if the magazine has a new reader they would automatically know its published weekly

They use subheadings for each different part of the magazine so it is easier fro the readers to find what they are looking for.

The subject has many different poses some in which are very close up to the camera and some very distance. These aren't standard boring poses they are very outstanding which fits in with the header below ‘lets dance 'the person also isn't looking into the camera in any of his poses this could be seen as rebellious.

Having parts of the article bigger than the other text is sometimes known as a pull quote. this gives an audience a feel of what the stories about without reading the whole article. This usually grabs the readers attention.

The article has been put into columns this is so the article is easy to read and very understanding for readers.

Having a big bold caption drags the audience to read the article as they want to know more about this ‘lets dance’ article.

Having the first letter of the article bigger and bolder than the rest gives the article a great start as it gets the reader really into the article before they have read it properly.

This contents page is very busy, dark and bold. They have created it like this for it to stand out. Having a black background shows the article may be very masculine and aggressive.

Although the colours and tones of the magazine are very dark and aggressive the subjects of the magazine poses seem very happy and positive.

The magazine has added lots of detail in the magazine with boarders around the images. This highlights the images and makes them stand out.

Having parts of the article bigger than the other text is sometimes known as a pull quote. this gives an audience a feel of what the stories about without reading the whole article. This usually grabs the readers attention.

This article is showing the ins and outs of a band and how they are not like everyone expects them to be . This magazine is trying to expose all their dirty little secrets.

The colours of this article are very dark. This isn't helpful for people that cant read very well as the text isn't bright or understandable.

Q magazine grab the readers attention straight away by having a big bold letter of the artist or bands name covering the whole article. This is known for Q magazine to do this as they have done it with many articles before.

The articles itself have large letters across the page. The bold lettering is unique and interesting. It instantly grabs the reader’s attention as it’s striking and distinctive. The deep red is see through which allows the text beneath to be easily seen. The red creates a contrast with the otherwise plain colours. The colour theme of black, white and red is carried out through the rest of the magazine creating a house style throughout. ‘Lady GAGA’ and Beady BYE’are written in the top right corners of the double page spread. This is very simple but also effective. The writing is also in columns which is effective as a reading technique in that columns keeps information in a tight space, which is good as there is a limited amount of space, columns easily directs the readers eye down the page without them losing their place.

This magazine creates the image that lady gaga has been made to come across as an object rather than a women. This attracts a male target audience as this is very sexualized.

Having the article in colloums helps the readers understand the magazine in a simple form and creates a nice layout.