Math Suprise


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Math is so cool !

Hope you will enjoy in math….Created by Vusa

You need 30 seconds, just fallow step by step.

1. First, imagine one number between 1 and 7 !

2. Multiply with two (2).

3. Add five (5).

4. Multiply with fifty (50).

5. If your birthday in this year is...

before present date … add 1751

….if not….

add 1750

6. Minus number of your year of the birth

(for example: 1941, 1973, etc.).

The result has to be treble number

(for example 130, 351, 015 etc.).

And …...

Firts number is your imagine number

To other two numbers add 8 !!!!

( double digit number )

The result is………..

YOUR AGE !!!!!

This math suprise counts just for this year (2009)…..

