Mary Wollstonecraft


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Mary Wollstonecraftby: Madison Webb

Early Life of Mary

Wollstonecraft was born on April 27 1759 in Spitafields, London

There financial situation became so severe that her Father compelled her to turn over money that she would have inherited at her maturity.

She decided, after only a year as a governess, to embark upon a career as an author. This was a radical choice, since, at the time, few women could support themselves by writing.

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The Founder of Modern European Feminism

Wrote the Vindication of the Rights of Women,

which pointed out the two contradictions in the views

of women held by Enlighten thinkers.

Books and Articles

A Vindication of the

Rights of Women

Original Stones from Real Life

Thoughts of the Education of Daughters

A Vindication of the Rights of Men

The Wrongs of Women

Wollstonecraft's works during the nineteenth century as her attackers implied or stated

that no self-respecting woman would read her work.


Connects to the rise of women gender roles

Expanding Philosophies
