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A small presentation on major points in building and presenting your presentation. Its not rocket science but often overlooked when putting a presentation together. A large portion of the facts here have been taken from fellow SlideShare users sharing knowledge. Enjoy !

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Ten tips for a great


Episode IThe Preparation

Creating a great presentation consists of

three processes

Storyboards, ideas and flow



Spend equal amounts of time on each process to achieve the best results

Episode IIDesign

Use colours that complement each other

Choose easy-to-read font faces

Keep within a family of fonts

Episode IIIContent and flow

Think of your content as a story with a beginning, middle

and end

Keep this logical approach in your presentation and

build momentum throughout, accelerating

to the finale

Episode IVThe Villain

In every classic story, there is a villain who the

hero fights

So, don’t be afraid to mention a competitor,

especially when making a good point about your


Introducing the antagonistic (the problem)

makes the audience rally around the hero


Episode VManaging Text

According to Dr John Medina, your brain interoperates every

letter of text as a picture

So, it takes longer to respond to text than imagery. Keep

text to a minimum.

Episode VIUse Imagery

Picture Superiority Effect (PSE)

After 72 hours of a presentation,

only 10% of the content will be


This increases by up to 65% if you use powerful, relevant


Episode VIINumbers that count

If you include numbers for key figures, make them relevant so your audience can relate

Rather than

saying this car

travelled at

20 mph, you could


It travelled at the speed of a galloping horse

Episode VIIISpeaking

Acknowledge your audience and open your presentation by

being punchy

and don’t talk about the agenda

When speaking, keep your remarks grounded by

avoiding buzz words and abbreviations

Use positive layman’s terms like “cool”, “wonderful” and


Episode IXRehearse

Rehearse your

presentation so

you know it word for


This enables you to engage and make constant eye

contact with your audience

Avoid watching

your slides in order to remember

what to say next or when to


Well rehearsed presentations create immense confidence that shines through to your


Episode XGive yourself time, enjoy it

These points can

only be achieved by giving yourself time to prepare

When presenting,

keep relaxed with a light-

hearted approachand . . .

if you have a block, deliver a humorous distraction while

you compose yourself

Speak with passion and love for your product or pitch, let

that emotion show

Showing emotions releases

dopamine, which will

attract and motivate

your audience