Lp1 narrative



English unit on short film

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IGCSEShort Film

Have you ever wanted something or wanted to be

something that seemed impossible? Describe this

situation. What happened?


1.What does each main character want?

2.How does each character try to achieve his goal?

3.Are the characters successful? Why or why not?

Freytag’s triangle if Narrative structure

TaskIdentify the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action,

and denouement in the short film “Kiwi!”

Exposition: pulling the rope; scales off the side of a cliff

Rising Action: hammering trees to the side of the cliff

Climax: jumps off the cliff (no turning back)

Falling action: falls through the trees; appears to be flying

Denouement: sprouts small wings; disappears into clouds


Small groups will pick either “Reach” or “Sonata” to use,

As a group you must fill in Freytag’s triangle with the main components of either short film.

Then you must answer why you chose those instances as the components of the narrative.


Compare/contrast the narrative structure in two of the films – how do they convey their message?

FeedbackFeedback to the class on your choices for how the

narrative fits Freytag’s triangle.


What are 3 things that you think I wanted you learn from today’s lesson?

Write them out in your books as objectives.

The End

You have just watched and analysed three short films. In this unit of work we will be focussing on the form of short film and analysing how we make meaning from various filmic techniques.
