Lessons for better life


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A new Life

Compiled by Vivian

Lessons for

The greatest wisdom

is Kindness

It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down….

It only matters how many times you get up again.

We make a living by what we get

We make a life by what we give

To have a friend...You must be a friend.

Tell me, and I’ll forget

Show me, and I may not remember….

Involve me, and I’ll understand


Begins with….. I...

Of all the things you wear….

Your expression is the most important.

Believe those that are seeking the truth Doubt those that have

found it.

People don’t always believe what you say….

But they will always believe what you do.


is the path to true happiness

I once felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes….

until I met a man

with no feet.