Is it CrossFit or JavaScript?


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Is it CrossFit orJavaScript?by Ara Pehlivanian

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CrossFit orJavaScript

CrossFit orJavaScriptIts name is a compound word,

CrossFit orJavaScriptIts name is a compound word,with a capitalized middle letter.

It has a terrible logo.

It was created by one guy,

in California,

in the mid-90s.

Its often misunderstood,

even by experts.

It has a history of not being taken seriously,

yet enjoys worldwide popularity.

Programming is kind of necessary,

and the programming is often functional.

Youll need to learn proper hoisting technique to avoid problems,

and youll find yourself working with a lot of objects.

It has its good parts,

and not so good parts.

Discussing it can get contentious,

and will require learning a new language, full of acronyms.

It has an opinionated figurehead,

but it isnt a cult.

but it isnt a cult.(Thats what my leader says.)

Oh, and it works on your back end.

So? Is it CrossFit orJavaScript?

