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The gameWaseem Ebbo and Adam

It was Sunday afternoon and a boy named waseem was sitting on the local school oval. He was sitting down reading a book when a group of five boy came up to him and asked him if he wanted to join their game of rugby. “hey kid you want a game of rugby ,”. Waseem though about it for a couple of seconds he decided to 1. accept the boys offer 2. go home .


Waseem didn’t feel like playing any games today, he just wanted to go home , sit on the couch and watch some TV. END STORY. Go back

“ummm…. Yeah alright ill have a go,” said waseem. The boys started a game of 3 v 3. they were playing their game for about 6 minutes when waseem got passed the ball. Waseem wanted to 1. run the ball himself 2. pass the ball

Waseem ran the ball by himself. He ran as hard as he could, pass the first boy, then the second and finally he came to the third. He ran straight and hard… but got DECKED. Waseem got straight back up and got back in to place. Go next slide

Waseem passed the ball back to the boy he got it from. The boy dropped the ball and they lost the game. They made waseem leave, so he walked home ashamed. Go back

“WOW, I'm impressed. I've never seen a kid run like that or that could take a hit like you. How would you like to come back to our club and have a run?” asked boy 1. “yeah, sure,” replied waseem. “by the way, what's your name?” asked waseem. “I'm Adam,” replied the boy. Next slide

Waseem ends up playing for the team, there first match was on Sunday @ 10.00. When he arrived there the coach was happy that he came. The ref blew the whistle and the coach said to me you will do well don’t worry. He got on the field & the ball came to him. He had 2 options kick it long, or perform a pass

Waseem kicks the ball long someone catches it and runs the field Then dives over the line. Go back

Waseem passes the ball to the teams star player Adam. Adam runs through three enemy players and all the way to the end of the field. The siren goes and the game is over. They had won. “three cheers for Adam” screams the coach “hip hip hooray hip hip hooray!”. “Wait, were forgetting to cheer for Waseem and his brilliant pass to Adam. Without him this wouldn’t have happened.” “Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!” yells the team. The coach walked up to Waseem after the game and says “you played really well today I think you have a long future in this sport.”
