I.M. Bored: A Legacy in 10 Generations - Gen 6 Part 2



Death and life and teens become adults.

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Hi, I’m back. Did you miss me? Don’t answer that.

So I got a little distracted and blah-blocked. I played my way through three ambitions on Sims Medieval before I got bored and am currently on Gen 5 in a sims 3 Legacy that will never see the light of day.

So what drew me back? Boredom.

Sims 3 is fun, at times, but it can’t hold a candle to the Sims 2 for pure unadulterated funtimes.

So quick recap, the gen 6 kids aged to teen, Vash decided he wanted to emulate his grandfathers. And saddest of all, Gen 3 Heiress, Eva died.

Eva’s death was felt very profoundly by the family, but most deeply by Nery. He didn’t know what he was going to to do without his wife and wandered around crying a lot.

While in the meantime, Vash tried to come to grips with his future as the heir-to-be.

“I’m not sure I really want this. If I were the spare, I’d never have to grow old or die and neither would my husband or my kids. But I don’t really have a choice. The Creator has declared me heir but I wonder if I could change her mind. It’s worth looking into.”

So he did what any smart sim does, he researched it. “What do you mean she plans things out whole generations in advance? I’m doomed!”

Normally this is very true. I know what is going to happen for the most part in my two other stories, but for this one it is all observational and unscripted. But that doesn’t mean I am changing my mind, Vash’s got the pink eye recessive and I want it!

“Aunt Anime, Mom just died could you come over and cheer up Dad?”

“So some little birdie told me you needed cheering up.”

“Aren’t you married?”

“It’s an open marriage.”

“Hn. I’m not going to forget Eva.”

“No one is expecting you to. But we do want you to be happy.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Are you trying to seduce me?”

“Whatever gave you that idea?”

“No clue.”

“Oh no! It’s the nanny!”

“Fear me!”

“Can’t you just stop already?”


“Someone make her go away! I can’t take it anymore!”

Seemingly sated by Scot’s sacrificial soaking, the Nanny didn’t scare anyone for the rest of the night. Who knew it was so easy to satisfy spooks.

Time passed, as it does. Once serious Willow has now become a tub pirate thanks to her wolfish transformation.

And Beatrix maxes her enthusiasm in the family hobby of Games earning me another point.

And Vash soon follows suit.

And townies continue to incur my ire, this one thought that it would be fun to knock over my trash. I don’t think so, bub. You and your funky head are going to so meet my cowplant one of these days.

Not much else really happened for a while, Babylon 5 and Willow spent much of their time in the garage passing on perks.

With fuzzy and warm and fuzzy breaks here and there.

And the nanny continued to haunt.

A lot.

A lot a lot.

“Ghostbusters? I’ve got a bit of a ghost problem.”


“What do you mean you can’t help me? That you signed a contract with my Great Grandfather? He’s dead. The contract is null and void.”


“Oh. I suppose that it wouldn’t be, considering your line of work. I guess we’ll have to figure out some other solution to our Nanny ghost problem.”

For those of you who recall, Vince here was Beatrix’ well drop. She still rolls up wants for the boy. This time to go steady with him.

Although from the color of her doohickey, you wouldn’t know it.

No, she was much more interested in stalking this random townie teen.

Not that the teen minded.

“Dammit, Ghost Nanny! Just quit already! These scare tactics are becoming way too annoying.”

“Not to mention stinky. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for the great memories, but I should probably leave to fins a bathroom.”

“You do that.”

To hopefully give the ghosts other targets, I started having parties.

“You know it isn’t polite to grope the guests, Wills.”

“It isn’t? She doesn’t seem to mind.”

“Willow, I don’t know if I’ve told you this. But you’ve been a great daughter and heiress. I’m sure you’ll continue to be great after I’ve gone.”

“Daddy, don’t talk like that.”

“It’s true. Just believe in yourself and keep your crazy college friends away from here and we’ll be fine.”


“Now I feel the need to go woohoo with my husband.”

“Strange, I feel the same compulsion.”

“What are you two reacting to?”


“You seriously need your eyes checked.”

“Such appalling nakedness! My eyes!”

“I’m going someplace else now.”

Because Nery was still kicking around and making me sad that he had a permanent want to resurrect Eva in his panel I sent him to the well for a little aspiration boost. Nothing like comfort food to make a man happy.

“Dad, is there a reason you brought me out here?”


“Are you going to tell me?”

“Nope. But you should be able to guess.”

“You wanted to watch your great-grandson’s humiliation?”

“That’s a neat side-effect, but no.”

“Then what?”

“I wanted to spend some time with all of my family before 6pm.”

“What happens at 6pm?”

“Nery Bored, it is time.”

“I know. You could have brought the hula girls a little closer. I wouldn’t grope them, at least not without permission.”

“They didn’t know that. Are you ready?”

“To be with my Eva again? I’ve been waiting for this. No one else can kiss quite like her. And believe me, I’ve got a lot of basis for comparison.”

“Then come. Your wife awaits.”


Nery Bored, you were a great husband to the lovely Eva. You had the awesome Michael Weston and recognized Babylon 5 as your son before I flagged him as family. And you hated Fantasy. One couldn’t get any better. You will be missed.

And he was.

“You know I’m next, Babylon.”

“I know. I don’t want to think about it.”

“I want you to promise not to mourn me too much.”

“I don’t know if I can do that. You’re the other half of my heart, without you I’m incomplete.”

“Same here. But I don’t like to think about you being unhappy.”

“So let’s not think about it. Sauna woohoo?”

“Sauna woohoo.”

“No peeking!”

“Why! Why did you scare me! I have done nothing to you!”

“Because it’s fun!”

“It’s fun. It’s fun, he says. Pissing yourself is not fun! What am I? The family butt-monkey?”


“Willow, love, did you marry me just so I could be the family patsy?”

“Of course not, Scot. It was just a pleasant side effect.”

“How many nice points are you at right now?”

“Three. Why?”

“That explains it.”

Ahhh… This amuses me. The evil witch and the good witch hate each other. I think it’s because the evil witch didn’t get to kill the good one like she wanted. So she’s just settling for beating the good woman up.

The reason they were there, though, was for a double birthday.

Willow was first.

“I just want a not horribly clashing outfit.”

“This is not it.”

Scot fared much better. I’m even going to let him keep it.

“So I’m not the CC butt-monkey?”

Apparently not.

Willow got something much more her. There are not nearly enough quirky elder outfits out there so this had to do.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Playing in the water-wiggler.”

“I see that, but why?”

“I want to live every day like it is my last.”

“Can I join you?”

“You have to ask?”

“Butt Splashes!”

“Ewww!!! That’s it I’m done!”


“That was fun. We should do that again.”

“We should.”

“I hate wolves. And the feeling is mutual.”

“At least they’re not ghosts. Ghosts are worse.”

“I don’t know.”

“No trust me, ghosts are worse.”

The ghosts were out in force that night. Nery showed up for the first time but was unimpressed with his old bed.

“It’s not the same without Eva in it.”

“At least you got to woohoo in it. I just slept there.”

“Oh yeah! Yay woohoo!”

“Are you the heir!”

“Ack! No!”

“Sorry for the mistake. I’m after the heir. I need to make sure they know who’s boss.”

“Now I see why Vash thinks ghosts are worse. I’m going to go upstairs. I heard that ghosts can’t climb stairs.”

“You heard wrong!”


“Don’t listen to Fantasy!”

“Ack! I wasn’t planning on it.”


“I don’t know why they don’t just write their messages on mirrors like a good ghost would do. All of this scaring really messes with my psyche.”

Ahhh pre-woohoo conversations. I half wonder if their talking about all of the pee smell left over from last night’s scare session.

But odd conversations aside, it’s the woohoo that matters to these two.

“Um, Creator, I’d really like to remind you that we do have a very problematic nanny and despite my interest in all things supernatural the rest of the family would like to attempt to get a good night’s sleep.”

Oh fine.

Since Babylon 5 is the longest lasting member in the family he has the best chance of remembering the nanny since honestly I can’t remember when she died. She just did.

“What? Only 10,000 simoleans. Are you sure you don’t want more? We’ve got extra.”

One stinky green cloud later.

And we had fully resurrected nanny. I think her name is Callista. Not that it matters.

Since I don’t really want a nanny wandering around the hood I had her wish for youth.

I don’t mind the outfit but the hair doesn’t really work.

Better. The hair is to go with the outfit.

And personality. I figured she’s the kind of person who is a bit of a non-conformist bully.

“Look, you’re not dead anymore and you’re now a townie. Can you just leave?”

“But I like it here.”

“Well I don’t like you here. I get enough noogies from my sister I don’t need them from you.”

Speaking of Beatrix, She invited Vince over to celebrate her birthday. Well, as soon as 6pm rolls around. For now we have some time to kill.

“Mmmm the dreadlocked girl is hot.”

“You’re going to get yourself locked up.”

“Awesome that will give me so much street cred.”

“I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about Knut heartfarting you in the background.”


Six pm rolled around and soon it was time for the twins’ birthdays.

Beatrix was first and got an interesting outfit, but not her at all.

While Vash got an okay outfit, but not really all that fitting.

Also growing up was Vince. There was a big reason that I wanted him there.

Mostly so I could move him in. Beatrix would kill me if I didn’t.

His first act?

Getting his first kiss with Beatrix. Never mind that he’s kissed Beatrix several times already apparently this is the one that counted.

He then got sent off to change into something a little less rebel since he’s a Family/Fortune sim.

With the makeovers out of the way, Vince strode upstairs to take care of a very important want.

Although the woohoo was interrupted by Fantasy.

“You are not going to woohoo on my bed, missy. Especially since you’re just an unimportant spare.”

“I’m glad I never knew you. Otherwise I might have to kill you.”

What? Were you expecting a different want?

Like this one?

“Beatrix, will you marry me and have lots of babies?”

“Oh yes! I’ll marry you.”

That’s about enough of these two at the moment. There is someone else who is much more important.

Our heir, Vash.

Let’s hope that Fantasy doesn’t scare the pants off of his well drop.

“I wish for a wonderful man to grow old with.”

Apparently the wish was granted.

Albeit by a sadistic dungeon master.

“I said grow old with, not old to begin with.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, not at all.”

“So you don’t mind that I have one foot in the grave?”

“Not at all, although we’re going to have to move things along.”

“Oh? How so?”

“Professor River, will you marry me and be my hot and elderly husband?”

“It goes against my best judgment as a Romance Sim, but sure.”


So with bad memories of getting engaged, this is where I will leave you.

Stay tuned for weddings and babies and my attempt to keep Professor River around as long as possible, if only for Vash’s sake.

“I have an alien inside me”

--------------------------Sorry for the crap update, I’ve been sitting on this for about two months staring at a blank presenation with a vacant expression on my face. This is me just biting the bullet and putting crap out. Hopefully next time will be better.

So until next time, happy simming!