Golden Ratio



Golden Ratio How this ratio is used in our daily work....?? It is especially used for aesthetics purposes for beauty of things.

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Golden Ratio

Umar Aziz KhanShakil Iqbal

Well, before we answer that

question let's examine an interesting sequence (or list) of numbers.

Actually the series starts with 0, 1 but to make it easier we’ll just start with 1,1

What is the Golden Ratio?

To get the next number we add the previous two numbers together. So now our sequence becomes 1, 1, 2

Here is what our sequence should look like if we continue on in this fashion for a while:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610…

Leonardo Fibonacci

Really Famous & Really Smart

Now, I know what you might be thinking:

"What does this have to do with the Golden Ratio ?????????

Let's look at some of the ratios of these numbers:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610…

Next number divided by previous number gives us Golden ratio

When we proceed next then this number converges to 1.68

2/1 = 2.03/2 = 1.5 5/3 = 1.678/5 = 1.613/8 = 1.62521/13 = 1.61534/21 = 1.61955/34 = 1.61889/55 = 1.618

The Golden Ratio is what we call an irrational number: it has an infinite number of decimal places and it never repeats itself!

Generally, we round the Golden Ratio to 1.618.

“Allah has appointed a measure for all things” (Quran, 65:3)

“Everything has its measure with Him” (Quran, 13:8)

Golden Ratio in ISLAM

Golden Ratio in Makkah

It has been claimed that the Golden Ratio of the Earth is in Makkah.

Is it True?????

There are 180 degrees between the North Pole and the South Pole, so 180 divided by “Golden Ratio” is 111.2461179749810

As latitudes are expressed in degrees and distance from the Equator, we subtract 90 degrees and convert this to 21°14 III


46.02 J (Latitude of Makkah)

Does The Golden Ratio Exist in Nature?

Lets Check

Spirals of a pinecone

Where spirals from the center have 5 and 8 arms, respectively (or of 8 and 13, depending on the size)- again, two Fibonacci numbers (Gives golden ratio)

Golden Ratio in Sun Flower

If you look at a sunflower, you will see a beautiful pattern of two spirals, one

running clockwise and the other counterclockwise.

If we count the spirals we will find that there are 21 or 34 running clockwise and 34 or 55 running counterclockwise, respectively-all Fibonacci numbers

Some plants express the Fibonacci sequence in their growth points, the places where tree branches form or split. One trunk grows until it produces a branch, resulting in two growth points & then three , five so on…

These Fibonacci numbers gives

“Golden Ratio”

DNA molecules follow this sequence, measuring 34 angstroms long and 21

angstroms wide for each full cycle of the double


The Ahmes papyrus of Egypt gives an account of the building of the Great Pyramid of Giaz in 4700


It is simply constructed on Golden Ratio

It was used it in the design of Notre Dame in Paris, which was built in the 1163 and 1250.

In India, it was used in the construction of the Taj Mahal, which was completed in 1648.

In the United Nations building, the width of the building compared with the height of every ten floors is a “Golden Ratio”

BeautyDoes Beauty exist in

Golden Ratio

You Are Beautiful Or Not?

You can check Yourself

You need some calculations

The Perfect Face - Golden Ratio Beauty Calculator

Is This Girl is Beautiful?

Yes She is……….

Calculations were made on her face Golden ratio exist

Now tellWhich smile is more appealing?

Because its length to width ratio gives “Golden number”

Look at the following rectanglesNow ask yourself, which of them seems to be the most naturally

attractive rectangle?

If you said the first one, then you are probably the type of person who likes everything to be symmetrical. Most people tend to think that the third rectangle is the most appealing

Have you figured out why the third rectangle is the most appealing? That's right - because the ratio of its length to its width is the Golden Ratio! For centuries, designers of art and architecture have recognized the significance of the Golden Ratio in their work.

The Golden Ratio in Art

Now let's go back and try to discover the Golden Ratio in art. We will concentrate on the works of Leonardo da Vinci, as he was not only a great artist but also a genius when it came to mathematics and invention.

Even in Mona Lisa Painting “Golden ratio exist”

In The Human Body

Take A Good Look At Yourself In The Mirror

Human body is made on

“Golden Ratio”

You will notice that most of your body parts follow the numbers 1,2,3&5You have one nose, two eyes, three segments to each limb and five fingers on each hand

The proportion of upper arm to hand + forearm is in the same ratio of 1: 1.618

You can also apply the Golden Ratio to other element’s width in relation to its height or vice-versa.

This produces aesthetically pleasing elements with the Golden Ratio proportions.

This Car is looking nice………….. Ofcource its Shape is made on the

concept Of Golden Ratio



