Geometric solids




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Geometric solidsBy: Meredith Angelotti


Faces: a face is a side of a shape. NOT:


Edges: a line where two FACES meet in a shape.


A point when 3 or more edges meet in a shape.

A vertex can be also called as corners.



A cube is 1 of 8 geometric shapes A cube has 6 faces.


A cube has 12 edges. A cube also has 8 vertices. A cube has 6 faces.

How many faces do you see on the sphere?



If you guessed 0 your right! Lets see if you can guess how many

edges there are?


Well you guys are just so smart! That’s right the sphere also has 0 edges!

Now lets see if you guys can guess how many vertices the sphere has!

The sphere also has 0 vetices!


Now what do you notice about the sphere after learning about it’s faces, vertices and edges there are?

Triangular prism

Triangular prism

A triangular prism has 5 faces. A triangular prism has 9 edges

Triangular Prism

A triangular prism has 6 vertices A triangular prism can be as easy to

find in your home. For example you’re moms wallet or your wallet.

Rectangular prism

Rectangular prism

A rectangular prism has 6 faces. Also the rectangular prism has 12

edges. A rectangular prism also has 8 vetices.



A cone has 0 edges. Can you find out how many faces it has

from the picture?


It turns out that the cone only has 1 face. Do you know where that one face is on the cone?


Yes the one face is on the bottom of the cone!

Can you guys guess how many vertices the cone has?


Winner winner chicken dinner! Yes the cone has 1 vertex or vertices.

How many edges does the cone have?


Well if you said zero yes! Because the cone only has 1 face so its not possible for it to have any edges!

Rectangular pyramid

Rectangular pyramid

The rectangular pyramid has 5 faces. It also has 8 edges.

Rectangular pryamid

The rectangular pryamid also has 5 vertices.

A rectangular pyramid can be found in your home or possibly you can make a rectangular pyramid!

Triangular pyramid

A triangular pyramid also has 5 faces. It also has 6 edges.

The triangular pyramid also has 4 vertices.


The cylinder has 2 faces.

It has 0 edges and vertices.


Now that we’ve gone threw the slide show its review time.

Which shape has 0 faces 0 vertices and 0 edges?

Which shape look like a square?
