Facebook and its effect on Romantic Relationships


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Studies have shown that almost 90% of people have looked up their ex-’s profile page.

There’s no research saying Facebook has ruined LOVE after all.

So we still have hope.

Special thanks to:

Lauren the Siberian cat

How Facebook Ruined Dating (And Breaking up Too). By Allison McCann. BuzzFeed. October 2012. http://www.buzzfeed.com/atmccann/how-facebook-ruined-dating-and-breaking-up-too I Now Pronounce You FBO: Facebook Official. By Tom Jacobs. Pacific Standard. January 2013.http://www.psmag.com/blogs/news-blog/i-now-pronounce-you-fbo-facebook-official-51307/ Online dating and the search for true loves- or loves. By Katie Engelhart. Maclean. January 2013. http://www2.macleans.ca/2013/01/30/true-loves/

Serious, stop stalking your ex on Facebook. By Melissa Dahi. September 2012. http://www.today.com/health/seriously-stop-stalking-your-ex-facebook-1B5994982


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