Existing music video research


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Existing music video. Because the song we have chosen does not have an existing video I have analysed two of The Arctic Monkeys existing music videos and one from another artist of the same genre.

Arctic Monkeys- Why’d you only call me when you’re high?


This video has a very realistic feel mainly due to the setting, the video is simply just filming Alex Turner walking down a street late at night feeling the effects of taking a drug hence the name of the song. The location gives a dark and gritty feel to the video which is typical of a indie rock music video, allowing the audience to feel the message that the band are trying to put across.

Performance. .In terms of performance, the video is more narrative for example there is no choreographed dance. Most of the shots of Alex Turner in why’d you only call me when you’re high? Follow him walking down the street with the song playing in the background with no real eye contact with the camera. This engages the audience as it creates the viewer to believe they are there with him and to see things from Alex Turners view.

Costumes.Similar to the location the clothes Alex Turner wears has a very urban and casual feel to it which is not only typical convention of an indie rock music video but it also suits the video as they are dark coloured clothes, blending in with the dark and dull backgrounds of the setting. This creates almost a worrying atmosphere for the audience as they don’t know what's going to happen to Alex.

Arctic Monkeys- I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor.

Location.The location of this music video is different from ‘why’d you only call me when you’re high?’ as it is set on a platform and has no narrative to it what so ever, it gives the feel of a live performance and makes the viewer feel as if they are watching the music band perform and are actually part of the audience.

Performance.Performance wise this video is just a performance and has no narrative story or conceptual scene to it. Also most of the shots used are either long shots to show the whole band performing or a close up on Alex Turner showing is they key man as he is the lead singing of the group.

Costume.The clothing choice used in this music video is very casual and urban as they are simply just in plain t-shirts and jeans. Giving the impression of a working class performance of people who don’t particularly have a lot of money.




Like the Arctic Monkeys ,why’d you only call me when you’re high?’ this music video also has a realistic feel to it due to the setting which is in an urban city, you can see all the graffiti which surrounds Jake Bugg giving the scene that typical rebellious fell to it.

The performance technique used in this music video is a mix between performance and narrative because Jake Bugg is performing but in the streets and sometimes the camera follows him around as he walks these streets, this tells a story through the use of music which is what indie rock bands do usually their video has some link with the artist e.g where they grew up or similar to that place.

Jake Buggs costume is typical as far as indie rock is concerned as it simple working class clothing and follows the convention of being dark in colour, this makes him stand out as the background is light e.g in this shot.

Jake Bugg- Lightening Bolt

From this research I have learnt a lot about the Indie Pop genre. I have analysed the videos and found that realism is a big theme in the music videos. This effect is captured through the choice of lighting, locations and costumes all these elements of a video often create downbeat which then picks up to become upbeat which all three music videos do. In terms of editing, there are a lot of close ups of the artists singing to the camera which is a main technique used in indie-rock videos in order to engage the viewer however longshots are also used a lot, I’ve found this is due to the artist trying to set the scene and engage the viewer into this scene.

What I have gained from this.