Emorocm music video


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Long straight hair

covers half their face

and their hair is usually


They usually

wear black


They mostly wear black and

they are heavily tatted

up, however that depends

on they type of song they

are singing but it one of the

codes that shows Emo.

There’s mostly a theme of love and

depression but in some emo rock

music video there is the rise of the

misfits. The heart depicts sadness

and emotion and that is what emo

culture is mostly about, sadness, self

hatred ad emotionalism.

There aren't

always that many

of them in the

band. There are

mostly 4 or 5

band mates.

They usually wear black eyeliner and

have a sad look on their face. Their

emotions are usually expressed through

their facial expression.

They mostly have their nails painted
