East enders annotation


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East Enders

By Haseeb Ishfaq

Soap: East EndersWhere is it set: East LondonWhich institution broadcasts it: BBCWhen is it set: Now

Can easily identify The O2 Arena and the River Thames, which we then confirm that this is based in London.Institution which broadcasts the

show is quite clearly BBC.

Just by looking at this shot we can recognise the soap is East Enders as we have seen the title sequence so many times.

The opening credits start with a sequence of drums which is sort of an alarm for the audience that the show is starting.

Well known institution so people are bound to be attracted.

The music and the sequence makes the audience assume the lifestyle of the characters are very boring, nothing glamorous and dull. Maybe even monotonous.

The institution which is BBC airs East Enders every Monday and Friday at 8:00 – 8:30, furthermore on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 – 8:00

By record the show has never aired on Saturday nor Wednesday except once when United were having a Derby against City on Friday and the show had to be moved to Wednesday.

Mainly boy’s football clothing showing that maybe kids are living in this house.

Pink clothes and shoes which shows that obviously there is also a girl living here.

Adult male shoes and they don’t seem to fit in which shows that maybe this adult doesn’t live here.

Tacky carpet and wooden floor which tells us that this household is of the average working class people

Adult trying to sneak out of house emphasising a one night stand perhaps.

More pink and girly clothing just thrown on the banister.

More standard print wallpaper. Also frames which look like they’ve been bought from a market.

Lady coming down the stairs in her 50’s in a dressing gown. She has definitely just slept with another male outside of her marriage.

Jumper thrown on the banister which is an adult’s clothing. This is the household of another man.

She isn’t very made up and therefore communicating that this is the house of a working class family.

Woman of obviously higher class as she has time to put on her make up and jewellery.

She is sitting in a cafe of perhaps lower status. There are tatty posters and a chalk-board with the menu on.

Builders are eating suggesting this is a local cafe probably next to where they are working.

She doesn’t seem very happy.

She is of higher status, her hair is done up and she has a fake tan, her make up is well done. She obviously gets all her prep done from salons.

Some sort of inner disturbance. She doesn’t seem very happy and seems to be facing a problem.

Traditional fish and chips bar, you can see pictures of chips with ketchup.

Man sat in a dark room suggesting he is the villain in the program. There are only 2 points of focus in light.

Clearly not an actual legal office. Set up in an ominous atmosphere.

This man is blackmailing the woman before into being a prostitute. He obviously has something the woman does not want getting out.