Does the samonte system work


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Does the Samonte System really work?By Alan S. Samonte

A lot of gamblers want to know whether or not the Samonte System really works.

My answer is yes, it does work, and I don’t have a grain of doubt about it.

I have proven it to myself in actual casino plays and I can prove it again in public view at the right forum.

The rationale behind why the Samonte System works is simple - because it "practically" succeeds in reversing the casinos' in-built mathematical edge to favor the gambler.

We all know that casinos generally win because of their mathematical edge that is inbuilt in the games.

In my quest for system play, I found that the only way to defeat the casinos in extended playing is to reverse the house edge to favor the gambler.

I believe the Samonte System succeeds in doing that. In theory this is impossible but in actual practice this can be done.

To reverse the casinos’ edge, the System banks on the synergy of its three components coherently functioning together for its goal.

First, the Samonte System contains mathematics fittingly incorporated into its core of functional elements.

We all know that there is always be mathematics behind every bet yearning to be heard.

Whether or not a gambler chooses to do something to heed its presence doesn't minify mathematics' awesome power in making its presence felt.

As a matter of fact, optimum decisions in gambling are achieved only through mathematics, and not with hunches or vibrations.

The problem with most gamblers is that they don’t take the mathematical side of the games seriously let alone do something to at least understand the very basic role it plays.

In other words these gamblers choose to play purely on luck and chance.

It is a sad reality, but a gambler who plays against the math, or refuses to understand mathematics' long range effect in gambling cannot remain in action for length.

Recognizing mathematics as a very powerful tool, the Samonte System harnesses its capabilities to its maximum yield without requiring the gambler to exert maximum effort.

With mathematics as one of its integral component, the System forces the gambler into making the optimum decision ever, allowing the gambler to play with confidence and thus freeing his mind to explore other avenues of the game.

In essence, the System forces a gambler to take heed of the mathematical side of every bet, even if the gambler is not a math person.

Second, at the core of the System's functional element is a self adjusting betting scheme relative to the ‘shifting swings’ within the gambling environment.

Shifting swings is when a gambler experiences either a remarkable array of winning sequences or losing sequences.

Please be aware that shifting swings are unusual but recurring event within the gambling environment.

I say unusual because they don’t happen often.

They are like mysterious forces that are just around, and they could happen anytime to any gambler without warning.

They are beyond anyone’s control. The casinos cannot hide, cut off short, or prevent them from occurring.

All gamblers who have played long enough have experienced shifting swings, but a lot don't know what to do with them let alone aware that they could be methodically exploited.

The Samonte System recognizes shifting swings as an undeterminable but recurring event.

On that premise, the System integrates into its mechanism the interplay of progressing-retreating betting tactic that captures the shifting swings’ every mood.

This betting tactic adjusts itself depending upon how the events are coming out.

With the System, the gambler is forced to exploit shifting swings in a methodical and consistent manner.

Third, the System contains discipline rules that are inbuilt within its mechanism

It is a known fact that discipline plays a very important role in a gamblers’ fate.

A gambler who ignores discipline is already a ruin right at the start.

While some gamblers find discipline as the easiest to deal with, there are a lot who have a hard time struggling with it.

Discipline means the gambler’s ability to submit oneself to rules.

For example, at a varying time, a gambler needs to reduce his bet, increase his bet, stop playing, play again, and many others.

The question is, does the gambler decides accordingly as the need arises?

There are a lot of books about discipline and money management, but in spite, gambling still continues to ruin gamblers’ lives.

This only shows how the aspect of discipline is grossly violated.

If a gambler lacks the ability to observe the required discipline rules, everything crashes down.

To address this aspect, the System integrates into its mechanism the disciplinary requirements of a winning play.

The System contains instructions requiring the gambler to behave in certain ways in certain situations.

With the System, the gambler automatically knows which behavior to embrace and which to discard at a varying circumstance.

In this way a gambler never has to experience the very costly trial and error process.

Let’s face it, when a gambler sets his own rules, the rules may not be well structured enough so he may end up violating them.

But when these rules are imposed upon by an authority, gamblers tend to observe them with more consistency.

In a nutshell, think of the Samonte System as similar to card counting in Blackjack.

Card counting works because the counter bets big when the remaining cards favors him, and bets only small when the remaining cards favors the casino.

A blackjack player who plays this way gains from .05 to 1.5 % advantages.

The Samonte System works in similar manner; that the gambler bets small or not bet at all in the losing sequences, and bets big on the winning sequences.


About the author:

Alan S. Samonte is the Filipino professor who exposed the secret in beating the casinos. He nearly got arrested by the casino guards in Cebu, Philippines, thinking he was a cheat. He is giving away his e-book. Go to his website to claim your FREE copy: