Codes & Conventions of Folk Music Videos


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Codes & Conventions

The Artist

Any standard music video should feature the artist in some capacity. Viewers need to see where the vocals/instrumentals are originating from, and it allows for a certain depth of artist promotion.

Focus on Nature / The Environment

Folk music is particularly raw and simple, and some may even call it old fashioned. There’s a general lack of manufactured imagery in folk music videos to avoid contrasting with the themes – everything is usually natural with a focus on the environment.


A strong narrative is key to a good folk music video. The lyrics of folk music are rather deep and emotional, and the music video needs to reflect that. Telling a story through both audio and visuals is essential, and what makes folk quite unique. No flashy images or special effects, but a solid story.


Folk music is often very deep and emotional, and the music video needs to capture that. Its characters should be relatable, and establish their personalities rather quickly, so that the audience can connect to them, and really be absorbed by the story.

Captures Themes of the Song

Though a literal interpretation of the lyrics is not always the best option, a music video should really capture the song’s general themes. Adapting the narrative from the story told in the lyrics is the best option, as it can be manipulated for a video.