Codes and conventions of film trailers


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Codes and Conventions of

Film TrailersRebecca Creighton

• All of the codes and conventions are there to act as marketing for the film product

• Each one uses different techniques to attract, engage the audience to the trailer

to then encourage viewers to go and watch the full length feature film

• They are also adapted to suit each of the different genres


Production Company LogoThe name of the

production company can help draw audiences

because of its reputation

For example if its ‘Disney’ you would know it will be a fairy tale/action

adventure story, with ‘Film Four’ on the other hand you would expect a

more gritty social realism genre

Can also indicate the genre through adaptation

of the logo:

In some cases different companies

are known for making different types of

genre films

If the company has been known for

making goof films in the past audiences are more likely to

want to want more films by them

Gives indication of who has made the film and the budget or scale that may

come with this

Film TitleThe displaying of the film title is the most important element as it actually informs the audience of the name of the filmThe colour, type facing and back drop can give indication of the genre of the film too:

It usually appears at the end of the trailers as it is the most important piece of information so the audience are more likely to remember it there

Making use of social networking is becoming more predominant in film


Film CertificationFilm certification provides

guidance on who can watch what and what is

appropriate for what audiences

Introducing cast and crewUsing the names of well know-actors helps attract large audiences who either love them or known that they will see good acting as they are well known for good performances

As well if they are known for doing particular genres people will feel ‘safe’ knowing they have made products of that genre before

Naming crew such as producers and directors also attracts

audience as if they are well known for making good products people will be

encouraged to go and see more of their work

A credit block is included at the end of a trailer

Character Introductions

Comparatively if the actor/actress seems to be appearing in a

different role to usual, viewers may be intrigued to go and see

what they are like on the role

If the actors are well-known their reputation can create benefit as fan will want to go and see their

work and viewers will know what they will get with them

The audiences can therefore make an early connection to the characters and can begin to identify with them and want to find out more about them

Characters which are going to featuring in the film are given introductions with most screen time generally being given to the staring roles

Sound: Music• Music is key to so creating trailers • It informs the audience of the genre of the film by

creating a particular tone and atmosphere

• It also sets the pace for the trailer and fluctuates with the pace of the film clips creating a change in pace through out

• For example: Slower more melodic music - Romance or Higher pitched, staccato tense music – Thriller/Horror

Sound: Voice Overs• Voice overs act as a guide

for the audience in terms of plot and characters

• It can either be an external voice placed over the footage as an aid to what is happening on screen, or giving a general overview

• Or it can be actual sections of dialogue playing over film in the form of J-Cuts and L-Cuts

Release dateIt is usually shown at the end of the trailer, like the film title, so that the trailer grabs the audience's attention then gives them the information they need

Essential for attracting a large audience to the opening night of a film

Teaser trailers will display ‘coming soon’ letting the audience know that more

is to come but the full length trailer will have

the actual realise day so people know when to

anticipate the film and when to go and see it