Choosing our genre and artist


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The process

My partner and I vaguely discussed this before the research stage. This is why my

partner and I based the majority of our research on or around the artist pink.

E.G. Research into artist. In this PowerPoint I will be explaining the

process of how my partner and I ended up picking the song “Perfect” by Pink

Why we chose the genre pop

My partner(Jess) and I decided to choose the genre “pop” as we both listen to pop artistes regularly. Therefore, we

knew a little bit about its background. We also felt that the genre had more variety of artists/groups which we could choose from in comparison to other genres such as rock

and indie. Once we came to that conclusion we then decided that it would be easier to focus on one individual

artist. We came to this conclusion as we thought that if we were to do a pop group song we’d have to rely on more

people which could affect our filming plan. For example. if one member of the group was unavailable, it would affect

the whole plan and we wouldn't be able to film which would put us behind in the manufacturing and development


Our Favourite POP Artist

Jess and I decided to create a mind map on our favourite pop artists. (female and male). We then highlighted the artists who we both liked.

The results of this task can be seen in bright pink in the picture above.

Choosing between artists

Our favourite six POP artists at the moment are:

Justin Timberlake Jessie J Lady Gaga Beyoncé Pink Avril Lavigne Katy Perry

Jess and I then decided on our top 3 pop artists which were: • Pink

• Avril Lavigne • Katy Perry

We came to this conclusion as we both decided that we didn’t want to interpreted a male artist. This effectively ruled Justin Timberlake out. We then decided that Beyoncé, Jessie J and Lady

Gaga were very unique, vibrant artists and have a lot of performance based videos; therefore, it would be to challenging to create a narrative that fit their songs. These artists were also excluded as they all have high pitch voices.

Which we believed would create difficultly when it came to lip syncing during the editing stage. Therefore we ruled them out. This left us with

Pink, Katy Perry and Avril Lavigne.

From the previous task of highlighting our favourite artists we came to this result.

Our top 3 songs by each artist

Again Jess and I decided to create a mind map. However this time on our top favourite songs by our 3 favourite artists. We then highlighted the songs we

both liked.The results of this task can be seen in bright pink in the picture


Choosing our artist and the song

Jess and I then used FaceTime to watch the three different music videos together. This helped us finalise our song choice which is Pink “Perfect”. We decided on this song as when we were watching it we were able to envision and create a

vague idea on what our own music video would be like, as we both interpreted the lyrics of the song in different ways. This

was good as it meant that we already had a few different ideas on what we wanted

to do.

FaceTime Jess and I used FaceTime as a method of

communicating with each other outside of school. We were able to do this as we both have IPhones and it was quick, free and effective. We decided to communicate

this way instead of via phone calls as Face time allowed us to watch and listen to the same music videos at the

same time which allowed us to decide on the spot whether or not we liked the song.
