China And The Western World


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China and the Western World

• Productive Agricultural society

• Natural resources available for development

• 1793 Qing Emperor allows diplomatic communication with western world– Showered with gifts but not impressed

Tea and Opium

• Little interest in trade with West

• Imbalanced trade with Britain – Tea exported for goods of lesser value– Silver used to cover the difference

• Introduce opium for non-medicinal purposes and China gets hooked

Opium War

• Opium banned in Britain but sold to Chinese – Do not respond to the reasoning of the Chinese


• Mostly a sea battle – Chinese ships were no match for Britains new


• Treaty of Nanjing

Treaty of Nanjing

• Hong Kong to Britain

• Christian Missionaries receive access

• Extraterritorial rights (US too)– did not have to follow Chinese law at 4 more

ports– Opium continues

Internal Problems

• Population – 430 million in 1850

– Us just hit 300 million October 2006

– Food shortage

– Flooding

• Taiping Rebellion– Peasant army revolt

– Took control of Southeast China including Taiping

– Finally crush 14 year rebellion and cause starvation

Sphere of Influence

• Region in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investment

• United States feared being shut out of China and its trade if the European countries colonized it in the same way they took Africa

Open Door Policy

• Directions:

• Read the letter independently and complete a primary source sheet

• INSTEAD of the regular summary section follow the directions on the top of the sheet.

• You have 30 minutes

Open Door Policy

• Now that you have your own summary, get into groups of 3 or 4 and share your summary with your group members. You need to discuss similairties and differences in the summaries and compile a master summary for your group that will be shared!

• You have 15 minutes
